John Frucinate

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You were sitting on the couch just chilling watching whatever was on. You were bored out of you're mind. You couldn't help but groan at how boring it was right now.

You were about to fall asleep until you heard you're cell phone ring causing you to jump. Your heart began to pound. You couldn't help but smile when you saw who it was. It was your best friend John. You quickly answered

"Hey!" You said trying not to sound so eager

"Hey its me i was just uh wondering if you wanted to uh hang out today" he said nervously

"You know I'll say yes regardless." You said with a slight chuckle.

"Alright cool!" "I'll be there in like an hour." he said

"Cool see you then." You said hanging up.

You smiled and ran upstairs to your room and looked through your jungle of a closet. You scanned through it and decided on a (insert band name here) shirt and black ripped jeans with vans.

You looked outside and it was beginning to get dark. You've always loved the way the sky looked at night.

Not wanting to procrastinate any longer you quickly got up to apply some makeup.

Satisfied with your look you smiled and walked back downstairs and waited.


Almost an hour has passed and you began to grow worried. But as soon as you heard a knock at the door a smile formed on your face.

You opened the door and there he was standing with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" He said

"Hi." You said trying to hide the blush on your face.

"So uh you ready to go." He said



After a few minutes of walking he finally broke the scilence.

"So where do you wanna go?"

"I dunno wherever you want." You said

"Hmm how does the park sound?"

"Great" you said with a smile.


Soon enough after a bit more walking you spotted the tree you saw every time you went to the park. Like an excited little child you took a hold of his hand and ran

"Woah take it easy" john chuckled as he ran behind.

"Sorry." You giggled.

After a while you sat on a random slide while john sat on the top of some monkey bars.

"How'd you get up there?" You questioned.

"Easy." He said holding his hand out. You quickly grabbed it as he helped you up next to him.

You both just laughed. You couldn't help but stare into his eyes. He was honestly someone you had always admired. You loved being with him. Little did you know he felt the same way.

After hours of just talking about life and making jokes. John began to look nervous as if he was hiding something.

"Hey Emily can i tell you something." He said with a bit of shakiness to his voice.

"Uh yeah what's up" you asked

"Okay so im just gonna be straight forward here okay?" " I've uh liked you for like a long long time. I didnt wanna say anything because I didnt want our friendship to be ruined." He said fiddling with a button on his flannel

You were taken back for a second you were feeling a lot of different emotions. You were happy excited and well shocked.

"John- I uh." You said not really knowing what to say

"This was a mistake i- im sorry emily I-" You cut him off my pressing your lips on his and sharing the most passionate kiss. It was so perfect. You felt as if you were the only humans in the world.

"That wasn't a mistake John I like you to." You said pulling away.

John smiled and you did to. You guys looked at each other one last time before kissing eachother once again. More passionate than the first.


This 2nd imagine is for @cliffspancakes

I hope you like it and once again sorry for the long wait!!💖💖

P.S anyone who is waiting for an imagine they will be out this week!!❤❤😘

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