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I'm sorry about most of this chapter, and how it might seems to be written kind of weirdly. I've been sick and in a weird mood for the last few days; it's been a struggle to word things right and I've been getting sidetracked so easily lol, mainly by snakes. I made a whole tumblr post just about snakes. Oh well, I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway :)

PS: Thomas and Leo <3 (also do they have a ship name?)

PPS: If you realise I've used a word in the wrong context I would really appreciate if you tell me because I'm learning a bunch of new stuff trying to create Logic's dialogue and I really want to get it right :)

* * * *

Logic should have known from the moment he heard Pranks giggling with Missy that this day would be different, that something would change. All he was expecting was a prank, though.

He'd just awoken, and was walking to the kitchen of the Mind to gain sustenance when he happened to pass Pranks and Missy, who looked at him once and began giggling hysterically behind their hands. Logan merely gave them a strange look and rolled his eyes; it was too early to ponder and fret about their plans. Besides, the only thing currently on his mind was coffee and breakfast. He wandered into the kitchen, only to find that it was already occupied. Prince and Anxiety were sitting across from each other at the table, quietly bickering about Beauty and the Beast. Logic ignored the couple and rubbed his eyes, moving automatically towards the coffee machine, only to realise the Morality was lingering awkwardly there, staring at him.

"Oh, apologies." Logan mumbled as he avoided bumping into the trait, (and simultaneously ignored the peculiar flip flop his stomach did when he realised how close Dad was.)

"Oh no, it's fine! Would you like some coffee?" Dad asked. Logic nodded and grabbed a mug, holding it out and letting Morality pour the piping hot drink.

"Thanks." He yawned, taking a long sip. Anxiety looked up and smirked at him.

"Long night?" He asked. Logan groaned.

"Early morning." He replied, screwing up his nose in distaste. Dad giggled, smile bright. For a few minutes the room was peaceful; Dad began to make pancakes for them all, Prince and Anxiety switched topics after agreeing that the new movie earned points for LeFou being gay, and Logic just leaned against the counter and sipped his coffee. Dad soon made him sit at the table, and began to serve up the pancakes.

* * * *

"Missy! Pranks! Come get breakfast!" Morality hollered, and a moment later the two boys skidded around the corner and dashed into the room, smiles bright and cheeks flushed. Prince looked at them curiously.

"Why are you out of breath?" He questioned.

"Tag! We were playing tag and then we went into the imagination and there was this whole jungle we got to explore, and I found a nice tiger and made her my pet and Pranks found a cute little snake and we explored the jungle with them and had an adventure!" Missy rambled happily, eyes shining with excitement. Pranks nodded along, grinning as well, and extended his arm. A small, pale purple snake slipped out, hissing softly at them. Prank's shirt sleeve rose up and they could see the snake had its tail wrapped around his wrist. Logic straightened his glasses and looked closer, analysing the creature. Prince was looking slightly disturbed at sight of the small reptile and Anxiety was inching away, but Dad was just cooing at it.

"Is... is that a corn snake?" Logan questioned. Pranks nodded cheerfully.

"Yup! Isn't he cute?"

"Depends on one's perspective and preferences, I suppose. It's a very vivid purple." Logic noted. Pranks nodded seriously.

"Yeah, but it's from the imagination so it can be any colour it wants." As if to prove that point, the little snake turned orange, hissed again, and wrapped itself around Pranks' arm once more.

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