Glitter War

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A L L  T H E  G L I T T E R

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Then Prince dashed in, scooped up a handful of glitter and threw it at Anxiety.

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Complete and utter silence fell across the room immediately. Everyone paused, looking at Roman in shock and at Anxiety in horror and anticipation. Anxiety just stood there silently for a minute, head tilted to the ground so they couldn't see his facial expression, arms extended out to the sides slightly, glitter dripping off him and whirling through the air. His dark attire was now covered in a sheen of rainbow particles that shimmered with every minuscule move. And then, slowly, slowly, he raised his head.

Logan almost burst out laughing, the only thing stopping him was the fear that Anxiety would actually kill him. His expression was dark, almost unreadable. However what Logic found humorous was Anxiety's makeup.

His pitch black eye shadow that was smudged beneath his eyes in inky layers... now had glitter sprinkled all through it. With every slow, angry blink, it shimmered wildly. With every hardly noticeable movement of his head it cast reflections of light in all sorts of hues; pink, red, gold, green, blue, purple, and more. He expression was furious and dangerous, but that only made the glitter fastened in his shadowy makeup funnier. It was so bright and contradictory to his dark expression.

Then Prince began to giggle uncontrollably, bending over and struggling to breath through fits of laughter as he stared at his boyfriend. He was soon joined by Pranks and Missy, then Dad, then Logan. It was as if the laughter was infectious. Anxiety beginning to stalk forward with an aura of danger around him was incentive enough to halt their chuckles, but it only made Prince giggle harder, glancing up occasionally and breaking down into wheezing bouts of laughter again. "Y- you- you- oh my- Anx- Anxiety- y-" He was trying to speak, but the uncontrollable bouts of laughter were preventing that. Anxiety inhaled heavily, and a small stream of glitter trickled out of his hood. Roman appeared to be having trouble breathing. Logic was mildly concerned.


Prince coughed as he was hit directly in the face with a mass of glitter. He spluttered and spat a few grains out of his mouth, staring in shock at his crisp white suit that was now engulfed in a twinkling cover of sparkles. His eyes flickered back up, and met Anxiety's smug ones. Roman stood up straighter.

"Oh, I see how it is." He said loudly and clearly, his voice carrying a tone of danger and amusement. "This. Means. War!" He yelled, rushing forwards and conjuring vibrant, rose red glitter. He began flinging it wildly at all the other occupants of the room. It clouded Logan's glasses, hit Missy right in the face, sprinkled in a shower over Pranks, flew into Dad's chest and sprayed all over Anxiety. Immediately Pranks was cheering and conjuring up bright pink glitter.

"Get rekt!" He screamed and hurled it at Missy, then conjured a shower of sparkles above Logan's head. He was instantly covered in thousands of the glimmering pink specks. Instinctively Logic conjured a ball of deep blue glitter and threw it at Pranks' retreating back, but only succeeded in hitting Missy (who was chasing after Pranks), and who chucked a wave of yellow glitter over his shoulder and hit Dad. Morality then threw a mountain of light blue glitter at Prince and covered him head to toe. From then on it was complete and utter chaos.

* * * *

An all out glitter was raged on in the Mind. Logic and Morality teamed up immediately, and ran through the mind blasting anyone the stumbled across with shimmering blue glitter. The walls were streaked with rainbows, the carpet dazzling to the eyes, and shrieks of laughter, outrage and victory were heard from every corner of the Mind. Dad and Logan liked to believe they were completely obliterating the others, but at this point whenever anyone ran into each other it was impossible to tell who was winning, as there was so much glitter everywhere that it all blended in. At one point, Logan didn't remember when, he and Morality had started holding hands. Every so often, as they darted through the Mind, he would look down at their intertwined fingers and feel a strange happy bubbling feeling in his chest.

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