Can I Kiss You?

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I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT!!! Everything's just been a bit hectic lately. I hope you like this chapter and that the wait was worth it.

(Also a glitter war wouldn't hurt inside the mind, it would magically avoid their eyes and stuff ok.)

(Also Analogical is brotp let's be real.)

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Logan was aware that he was avoiding Morality. He knew it wasn't exactly the reasonable thing to do, and looking at the situation analytically he had a range of options he could act upon. Such as acting as he typically did around Morality, and pretending that nothing was wrong. The flaw with that plan, however, was that Logic suspected Dad knew about his... crush. He'd certainly reacted strongly when Logic had basically flat-out told Dad that he had developed romantic feelings for him. And contrary to popular belief Morality wasn't unintelligent. So either way, that plan wouldn't work because everybody in the Mind already knew about Logan's feelings.

The next option was to simply tell Morality about his feelings but to be fair Logic already had, even if it had been unknowingly, and he was unsure about whether or not Dad's reaction was positive or not. And for some reason, now that he knew for sure what he was experiencing, telling Morality just seemed very, very difficult.

The third option was the least tactical because it made no progress in any way, yet, here Logic was. In his room, listening to a podcast about D&D, and trying to avoid thinking about how long he would be able to keep us this act. At first Logan had continued about his usual business in the mind and simply left the vicinity whenever Dad neared, but that got old fast (especially as the butterflies always came back full force. It was also difficult as Logic began to feel so guilty when he saw the way Dad's face fell every single time. How his expression always turned to look disappointed and sad whenever Logan left the room.) So the easier option seemed to be to hide in isolation in his room.

It was pathetic, but... honestly, Logic had no idea how to deal with emotions and feelings like these. They were truly the bane of his existence, oh how he despised them! Yes, the simplest thing to do was block everything out and recline in his small, quiet bubble.

Of course, his peaceful solitude couldn't last long. Not with Anxiety around.

* * * *

When Anxiety finally barged into his room, it wasn't as loud or dramatic as when Prince had. There was no kicking in the door, no dramatic professions of love and worry, and nobody was picked up and spun around. What did happen, though, was Anxiety opening the door and shutting it firmly, marching in with his jaw set and a determined glint in his eyes. He wasn't even slouching into his hoodie. Immediately Logan sat up straighter, turned the podcast off, and warily watched Anxiety storm towards him.

"Alright nerd, get up." Anxiety snapped.

"What? Why? I'm perfectly comfortable here, thank you very much." Logic retorted, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh no you don't! Trust me, I know how easy it is to sulk about in your room for all eternity, but I'm the only one who's allowed to do that here. Me, not you! Because Prince is the only one who cares and he just throws shit at me or picks me up if I don't come out for a while. But now Morality cares about you and he doesn't know what do you, so you've got him moping about all over the mind. He hasn't made a dad joke in, like, two days! So get up and show him you're alive and just like, make out or something, so I can stop feeling weird every time the literal sun walks past looking all depressed. Because once again, it's my job to look all emo! Not his, and not yours! So hurry up and leave your freaking room!" Anxiety ranted, folding his arms and glaring dangerously at Logan. He barely breathed through his entire speech so his chest was heaving by the end, but if looks could kill then Logan would be long gone. He gulped, a bit stunned.

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