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Logic waited. He was good at that. Logan could be patient. Logic planned, and oh, he was great at that. Planning was his forte, planning was what he knew, planning was something Logan always excelled at. 

He planned when and where he would corner Prince, (Logic had observed Roman's routine for two days to gather data on when he was without Anxiety) (They were practically joined at the hip these days. It made his mission immensely more complicated.) He even planned what he would say.  But all was well. He knew what he was going to do. Now all that was left was to put his plan in action.

* * * *

Logic was waiting at the end of the hall, peering around the corner of the wall every so often, like a spy. He couldn't help it; as much as he denied it he really enjoyed getting into a role. A few minutes passed, but then Logan heard a door swish open and snick shut, and light footsteps pad along the carpet. Perfect. Prince was walking towards him, on his way to the front of the mind, probably to help Thomas decide what to wear today. Logan's plan was going accordingly. 


When Roman rounded the corner, Logic sprang. He grabbed the royal boy by the sash, taking him by surprise, and pulled him down a short corridor, then stood between Roman and a wall, preventing immediate escape.

 Once Prince had got over his initial shock and confusion and regained his bearings, he gave Logan a strange look.

"Logic? Why did you decide to ambush me?" He asked, wrinkling his nose in puzzlement. Logic sighed in relief.

"Finally! Prince, I've been meaning to talk to you."

"To me? Why to me? I mean, not that I didn't expect it, because come on, who doesn't want to talk to me? Only, why did you have to capture me in order to hold a conversation with me?" Prince questioned.

"Yes, to you. Because you always seem to have somebody associating with you and I feel the need to ask you whilst we are alone." Logic confirmed. Prince threw him a strange look.

"Okay... Well, I do have a loyal fan base, but I haven't noticed any following me around." He mused. Logan rolled his eyes.

"Anxiety. Anxiety is always with you." He explained dryly. Prince's eyes lit up and sparkled.

"Ah, yes! Yes, I can see how us being in each other's company so often could hinder you in trying to speak to me in private. So, Logan, what can I do for you?" Prince asked cheerfully straightening his sash and smoothing out the wrinkles. Logic looked at him side on.

"So, Roman, you're extremely knowledgeable and wise." He started out smoothly. This was but a tactic; flattery was extremely effective on Prince. And just like Logic had predicted, Prince's smile widened, and he lifted his head higher.

"Well, yes, I suppose I am."  He inspected his nails, looking at Logan through his hair. "Go on?" He urged quietly. Logic bit back a smile of victory.

* * * *

"And I suppose I am need of assistance, and who better to supply me with that than you?" Logic reasoned. Prince nodded in agreement. "So, I decided that you would be the best one to help me. If you help me with this, Roman, I could even call you... my hero." Prince looked elated; his entire expression lit up, his posture straightened, and he looked very regal and proud. Logan smirked to himself; he had known that just saying the word hero would make Roman give in.

"Well, yes, of course I could help you! Anything to protect the helpless." Prince smiled graciously. Logic stopped himself from insulting Prince, because he was most definitely not helpless. He regained control long enough to smile thinly. 

(Logically Speaking) Opposites Attract  *Logicality*Where stories live. Discover now