Crash, Crack

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Logic looked up at Anxiety in surprise; he was just leaning against the door frame, looking unimpressed. Logan cleared his throat and straightened his glasses, sitting up and shutting the Sudoku book.

"Uh... is there something wrong, Anxiety?" He asked. Anxiety nodded and walked in, letting the door swing shut with a bang.

"Yeah, there is." He grumped. "My boyfriend and I were hanging out and watching Big Hero 6 and cuddling, which was actually great, when suddenly Prince disappears from my arms and all I can hear is screaming. So, getting worried, I run to check when I realise Dad just got so excited that he had enough strength to full on summon Prince! Which only happens when he gets super excited. And when I ask them what the heck is going on all I can hear over those two morons shrieking incomprehensibly is your name. So tell me, Logan, what the heck did you do?!" He ranted. Logic blinked, taken aback.

"Um, nothing?" Logan tried to say, but it came out phrased as a question. Anxiety folded his arms and glared at him. "No, I am being honest. I unknowledgeable as to why they are screaming. The last thing I did was query Morality about an illness I fear I may have, and it seemed to be going alright until the end, where his attitude changed drastically." Logic began to muse about that to himself, and Anxiety raised an eyebrow.

"An illness? You're sick?" He asked. Logic blinked at him.

"I'm unsure, but I have symptoms and I think it is likely. The only problem is I don't know what the sickness is, therefore I don't know how to cure it." He sighed. Anxiety sat down.

"Alright, well, if Dad couldn't tell you maybe I can, at least until Prince comes back. So, what's up?" He asked.

* * *

Logic start up straight and cleared his throat, and began to relay his symptoms to Anxiety. Anxiety worried over health quite regularly, and was often what made Thomas research illnesses, so it was logical that he would know what was ailing Logan. But the more Logic talked, the wider Anxiety's dark eyes got, the more his frown disappeared to be replaced by a look of shock, the more disbelieving and amazed he looked. By the time Logan had finished speaking, Anxiety was literally gaping at him. Then he remembered the last detail.

"Oh! And it seems to be linked to Morality somehow; every time I see or interacted with him the... feelings come back. Ca-" He was cut off by a sudden burst of laughter. He flinched back, taken by surprise and a little offended. Blinking, he stared at Anxiety. The only time logic had ever heard the dark boy laugh so hard was when Prince was tickling him the day they found out that Prince and Anxiety were in a relationship; Anxiety had flopped forward with his head on his knees, shaking with mirth, loud giggles ripping themselves out of his mouth, his eyes screwed shut tight. It took a few minutes of Logan staring uncomfortably and slightly indignantly, but Anxiety finally regained control of his body and stopped his hysterical laughter. He sat up and wiped tears from his eyes, and when he saw Logan's face he grinned again.\

"Morality?!" Anxiety squealed. "Seriously? Dad?! I WAS SCARED IT WAS PRINCE OR SOMETHING! Oh my god, Morality!" Then he burst into a fit of giggles again. Logic sighed, irritated.

"Look, could you please just inform me about illness? I would greatly appreciate the knowledge, all I want is to be able remedy my sickness." He huffed. Anxiety huffed out an amused breath and turned back to Logan, wiping his eyes and smudging the black eye shadow slightly. Anxiety took a few deep breaths to compose himself, and turned his gaze back to Logic.

"Ok. I just... Dad? Really? I can't even, that's so funny. Oh my god, imagine you tw- what if you guys got tog- but you don't even realise! This is hilarious! I should... no, I really shouldn't. This is too good to pass up. So I guess Morality knows, and Prince now, so... huh. Nah. I won't tell. This will be great, pure gold." He was talking to himself, Logan realise. How irritating, even with a direct link to Anxiety's thoughts he couldn't decipher what was going on. And now Anxiety was smiling wickedly to himself. Logic huffed and irritated groan.

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