Chapter 1 -- A Big Change

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A/N Okay guys, I thought of this when I was re-watching season 1-5 and had to make a Fan Fiction of it! :) Okay, so, basically read the description of the story to understand more. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, post them in the Comment Box below or mail me. 


16 year old Elanora Montgomery stirs in her large white bed, and blinks her doe brown eyes open. She sighs and pushes herself up and looks over at her alarm clock.

6:26. The first day of school, and I already slept through my alarm!

She thinks to herself. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed, and stands up before padding over to her closet and opening the doors. She slips her silky pink nightgown over her head, and pulls out her blue bra and tank top and tugs them on, as well as some jean short shorts.

Elanora then crosses over to her oak bureau, and stares at her reflection in the glass mirror. A smile slowly spreads across her face, and she picks up her brown hair brush and runs it through her wavy brown hair, before pulling it back into a ponytail and slipping a blue headband on.

After applying some make-up and putting her gold locket that her mother gave to her for Ela's 14th birthday party. Sighing, Ela pulls on her white sneakers, grabs her backpack, and jogs downstairs.

At the bottom of the steps she turns right and heads into the kitchen, where her mother, Alex Vincent-Montgomery is making eggs and bacon on the stove. Elanora pauses a minute to look at her mother, and she smiles for neither one of them knows where Ela got her brown hair and doe brown eyes.

Alex bears long straight red hair, and sparkling blue green eyes. There height, skin color, and weight is very similar, but there looks are as different as the sun and the moon. Alex turns and smiles at her daughter, showing her sparkling white teeth.

"Good morning sweetie, would you like some eggs and bacon?" She asks, and takes the scrambled eggs off the pan and places them onto a glass platter, along with some bacon and a glass of Orange juice.

Ela smiles and nods. "Sure mom, I'd love some. But I don't have much time, I promised Tera that I would meet her early at school for an emergency. I think that her parents are giving her a hard time or something." She says and takes the plate offered and sits down at the small breakfast table.

Alex joins her daughter for breakfast, and they eat and chit-chat before her mom clears her throat.

"So. I wanted to talk to you about something important... It's about me and Rick." Ela pauses her fork halfway to her mouth, and she sighs and sets it back down.

"Great, the: 'I know he's not your dad but you have to get to know him better. So we're going out together' speech. But please, spare me the details. I'd much rather stay at home with Tera." She says and takes a long drink of Orange Juice.

Her mom sighs and runs one slender hand through her reddish brown hair and takes a sip of her coffee. "Something like that. Yes to the first half, no to the second. Honey, I know that Steve - your father - and I's divorce was hard on you, and you just aren't ready to accept another man. I get that, I really do, but I like Rick and he really likes me. So, he asked me to-" But Ela raises one hand and shakes her head, her ponytail shaking back and forth.

"I swear that if you say marry him, I will go crazy." She protests, making her mother laugh. 

"No honey, not yet anyways. He asked me to go with him to meet his parents in California. I said I would have to ask you first. So, what do you think?" She asks her daughter.

Elanora sighs, and pulls in her lips and shakes her head. "Mom, I don't give a crap if you run into the sunset with him. It's never been up to me, and it never will be. Go on, go to California with him and meet his parents and go partying. Whatever it is you two do together. I don't care." She says truthfully, and stands up grabbing her backpack and storming outside slamming the front door behind her.

"Elanora! Get back here!" Alex shouts after her daughter. But Elanora is already gone.


"C'mon, Damon! It's two weeks! What's the worst that can happen? I-we haven't seen Matt for 16 years. Not since we had to leave Mystic Falls. Besides, this is a great opportunity to go back and see our home town." Elena Gilbert argues back to her boyfriend Damon Salvatore, and gestures with her hands as she talks.

"Oh yeah, let's see shall we? A. Someone recognizes there town's sweetheart and grows suspicious about us. B. People start asking questions and realize: 'Oh yeah, there just the town's vampire's let's burn them at the stake!' or C. We end up staying for more than two weeks." Damon argues back, and crosses his strong arms over his chest.

"Oh please, like anyone's going to recognize us now! Caroline's mom promised up protection, and half of the town was compelled to forget about us before we left... I'm only seeing the best opportunity here!" She takes in a deep breath, and lets it out as she speaks.

"Besides, Matt is only going to graduate his 3rd year of college once. He's not a vampire, and this would mean a lot to me.. Please Damon." She says, giving him those brown puppy dog eyes and the sly smile that melts his icy heart.

Damon sighs and rolls his eyes. "Fine! But when you get captured and burned at the stake don't expect me to save you." He states plainly.

Elena laughs softly and grins. "Whatever. Anyways, this is going to be great, I can't wait to tell Caroline." She says and starts to leave before she turns her head to look at him over her shoulder. "Oh, and it won't be me that get's captured. You'll probably end up killing someone and getting burned, not me." She says half jokingly and walks off, leaving Damon puzzled and shaking his head at his love that somehow always gets what she wants....


A/N: Well, that's a wrap for chapter one! Remember to vote, comment, and add!

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