Chapter 12 ~ From a Petal to a Thorn (Part 1/2)

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Katherine instinctively grabs her attackers throat, and lets her true form unfold. She blinks her eyes a few times, before a flash of recognition crosses her face. "Amelia? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish?" She pushes her back, and the attacker pulls her hood down, revealing a wave of long blonde hair.

She smirks and they hug tightly, and Amelia steps back and chuckles. "Well, you didn't exactly put up a fight! Now, I couldn't let my best friend go on a trip to the one place where you have the most enemies could I?" Katherine rolls her eyes, and steps aside flicking the lights on.

She then looks over at me, and Amelia's eyes widen slightly. "Damn.. So I was right about her being a new doppelganger." A wave of fear sweeps over me, and I step away from her.

"You.. Your the one that attacked me that day on the street, stay away from me!"  

Katherine rolls her eyes, and grabs my arm roughly. "Knock it off. She's not going to hurt you. Let's go into the conservatory and talk." She says, and walks with a sassy strut and I follow her anxiously. Amelia follows closely, and we sit down in the large chairs. "Bourbon?" Katherine asks waving the bottle at us, and I shake my head.

"No thanks." I say absentmindedly, but Amelia takes both glasses and hands me one anyway. We clink glasses, and then after a few minutes of just chit-chatting, a question pops into my head. "So, Amelia. Why did you attack me that day? You said that 'he'll be very pleased', what did that mean?" She pauses, her eyes going wild for a minute looking around the room and even Katherine looks up from doing her nails.

Amelia flashes her a smile, her dark red lips pursed slightly. "I don't know what your talking about. I-I have to go." She says standing up, her her long legs tightly enclosed in skinny jeans but the way she rushed out they didn't seem to bother her. Her white tank top with white flowers on it blowing behind her, along with her long blonde hair.

"What's her problem?" I ask, setting my glass down and Katherine shrugs. 

"She's always been a bit.." She lets her words trail off and I chuckle.

"Bitchy? Moody? Annoying?" 

"I was going to say temperamental, but yeah, that sums it up." Sighing, she stands up. "Let's start setting up for the plan." She says, and I nod standing  up feeling a bit loopy. 

"I'm going to get some fresh air.." I stagger outside feeling really nauseous and dizzy. I grab a hold of a blue sedan and hold my head with one hand. A soft breeze blows, and I feel a light hand on my shoulder and turning around I sigh seeing Amelia. "Amelia, you scared me! I-I thought you left." I say softly, starting to feel dizzy. 

"I did, but I thought I should come back and see Katherine. Maybe you should sit down, you don't look so good.. Or better yet, let's go for a walk." She smiles sweetly, and I raise one eyebrow. 

"Um, I think I'm good. No offense, but I don't really trust you so I'm going to go back inside." She nods in understatement, and helps me to the curb instead. 

"Maybe you should stay sitting down for a bit, I'll be around if you need me." She says grinning, and heads down the street. Nodding slightly, I put my head on my knees and groan. I only had a bit to drink, and I've had more at my mom's dinner parties for god sakes! Maybe there was something in it that I'm reacting to. The cool breeze helps to cool me down, and not wanting to get up for fear of landing right back on my ass, I stay sitting.

The sound of heels clinking on the pavement makes me look up, the world spinning. "Who the hell are you?" I mumble, my eyes burning.

The girl has long, jet black hair that is wavy and full. Her green eyes and light red lipstick make a striking contrast to her hair, and her tall slender body is fully clothed in black skinny jeans, a black tank top and leather jacket. Her black heeled ankle boots making her even taller then she already was. "Hello there." When she speaks, there is a slight accent in her tone. 

Nodding slightly, I struggle to my feet my stomach lurching in disagreement. "Yeah, um hi.." 

"You know, you don't look so good. Let's go for a drive." She says, flashing a big smile that draws you in, captivating your attention fully. 

Shaking my head, remembering stranger danger from second grade. "No, I'm good. I'm going to go back over to my friends house. Thanks anyway." Staggering past her, she grabs my arm pulling me back in. 

Her eyes slowly turn gold, and she growls at me actually growls!! "I think we have a misunderstanding, were going for a drive." She says firmly, and I yank away from her.

"No! Leave me alone!" I shout at her, and she steps closer to me.

Her sickeningly sweet perfume filling the air, making me want to throw up. "Incorrect again, doppelganger. We can't have you breaking the curse can we? Your not going anywhere!" Growling, she clamps her hand over my mouth and I struggle against her until a bag is put over my head and everything turns black...

End Ela's POV


3rd Person POV

Tera paces in what appears to be an abandoned building. Her eyes darting around, and she looks nervous and tired. A door slams shut, and she whirls around before breathing a sigh of relief. "Well it's about time!" She snaps to a girl with blonde hair, and green eyes. Amelia.

Amelia rolls her eyes, and takes a seat with a group of three other people. "Whatever, look, it took longer then I expected okay? I had to run by the house and distract-" But she stops when Tera send her a daring look.

The witch stands in front of the group, and raises her chin up the flames on the candles soaring upwards. "Okay, the plan is working tremendously well they don't suspect a thing. The little group has returned which is a total pain in the ass, but, we can use it to our advantage. We have more then they do. A witch," she gestures to herself, "Two vampires," she gestures to Amelia and another male, "A werewolf with a ring, and our secret weapon." She says firmly. 

The male vampire nods. "But, they have more people then we do... Were out numbered!" He exclaims. 

"Shut up! We may be outnumbered, but we are stronger and smarter then them. By picking them off we'll win and the Doppelganger will be ours!" Tera says and everyone yells in agreement.


A/N: Okay! That's a wrap for part 1 :) I know, Stefan and them weren't in this one but they will be in the next part. Be sure to tell me what you think is going to happen next! And remember to vote and add if you haven't already :)  XOXO HM

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