Chapter 22 -- Being Dead is Simple. Living is Hard.

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A/N: Enjoy chapter 22! ;)

Flashback, Ela's POV

Sighing I flip through the pages of People Magazine, and glance up at Tera who is on the opposite side of my bed, intently reading a fashion magazine. Sighing again, I try to read the magazine but I can't focus on the words or something on someone else's life, when mine is is falling apart. 

Setting down the magazine, I look at my best friend. "Okay, am I crazy for thinking that my parents are being a little to happy about getting a divorce?" I ask worriedly.

Tera looks up for her magazine, and sighs and moves up to sit beside me. She leans against the pillows, and sighs again. "No, El's, your  not crazy. You know that your parents have been arguing for years, and haven't agreed on anything accept how to make tea!" She says is a proclaimed way, and I nod and look down at my hands.

She takes my hand, and gives it a squeeze. "My point is, that they weren't ever completely happy together. They argued, fought, and yelled more then they talked, laughed, and smiled with each other. I know its hard now, but they're just finally about to be happy again, and there excited to get to that point in there lives. Your not crazy, your just... Upset." Tera says, and looks up at me.

I nod, tears in my eyes as I think of what Tera just said. "Yeah um, I guess that's-that's true." I murmur, and look over at her.

"Hey, don't cry!" She says, and gives me a hug. "Its all going to be okay, I promise."

I hug her back, and tears start to flow. "Thank you. I don't know what I would do without you here, Tera." I say, and pull away wiping away my tears. 

Tera smiles and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. "I do. You'd fall apart into a million pieces, and would not be able to live without me here!" She says teasingly, and nudges me playfully.

I laugh and grin, and she smirks playfully at me. "Thanks T." 

She grins back, and nods. "You are very welcome. Now," She grabs two bottles of nail polish and holds them up, "Pink or blue?"

End Flashback/Memory. Present Day Ela's POV

Unable to move, I stare up at Reina who is charging at me with the knife. Tears fill my eyes, and my heart pounds in my ears as I find it hard to breathe. "Stop!" I scream, and the wind blows one hard gust of wind, and I feel like a weight is lifted from my shoulders. My hair is pushed forwards due to the wind, and I paw it out of my face. 

I look up in just enough time to half jump, half crawl out of the way of the blade, and stagger to my feet. 

Reina lets out a blood curdling scream and turns to face me her eyes wild. "No! Its not possible, your a human! I had that little wench make sure of that!" She yells at me angrily, and runs towards me again. 

Letting out a frightened shriek, I run towards the steps of the platform and look over at Reina and back at the steps. If the barrier is still up, then I won't be able to get away, and there's nothing I can use to defend myself with... My heart is pounding in my ears, and there are a million questions rushing through my head at once.

She has stopped running towards me, and is now glaring at me and slinking towards me, the knife clutched in her hand. "There's no where left to run Elanora! Why can't you just see that the sacrifice is a good thing, and that you're protecting the ones that you love by participating in it." Reina says in Tera's begging voice, and I always complied when she used her begging voice.

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