Chapter 17 -- Fun, Fun, Fun, in the Blood Filled Sun

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A/N: Hey Guys! Sorry it's so late, life has been so busy! This chapters follows a four day time skip from the last chapter. Remember to vote, comment, and add! :) Also, if you have any questions or concerns ask me in that box down there, or shoot me a PM! :) Love Ya Guys! XOXO HM

The green dress flows like water, rippling across the tan sticks, drenching them in there beauty. The magnificent fabric swishing across the tan sticks, and my dark hair contracting well with the emerald green dress. The lacy fabric reaches just past my knees, and with my dark hair and eyes the contrast makes every part of my features pop.

Placing the final touches on my lip gloss and lavender colored eye shadow, I run a brush through the thick brown locks that belong to me -sort of -  before pulling it up in a simple, yet pretty and classic side bun. Smiling widely at my reflection, I grab a Tan Cross Body Purse and put it over my shoulder before hurrying downstairs.

The black heels clicking on the ground as I head towards the front door. Yanking it open, I sigh aggravatingly at the person on the other side. 

It's not that I didn't want him here, it's just I'm in a hurry and he happens to show up all the time! And uninvited, I might add. It's pissing me off, and I'm on my last nerve with this moron.

"Not now, Damon. I'm late for an important event and -" Looking into his breathtakingly blue eyes, I can't help but admire the way his jet black hair lays over his forehead. His bright blue eyes are really, really pretty - but deviously evil. 

He sends that sarcastic, narcissistic smirk my way as he brushes past me and into the house.

"Look, this isn't even my house! It's Katherine's House, Damon - which I'm sort of running at the moment. You can't just barge in whenever you want! Now please, leave. I'm already late." He seems to either A. not hear me - which is highly unlikely considering he has super hearing - or B. Heard my and didn't give a damn.

For some odd reason, I'm leaning towards B. I wonder why? Oh wait, that's right! He's an ass! He picks up a glass dolphin, and tosses it in the air. Barely catching it in time before it could smash into a million pieces.

Sighing I walk forwards and snatch - more like yank - the beautiful piece from his hands and set it back down. "Don't touch anything! Wherever you go, things tend to break." I carefully place it back on the table, and set my jaw as I glare at him.

He rolls his eyes, and smirks again (I think that's the only feature his mouth can make). "Hey, I'm just trying to see the reason why you need to keep a glass dolphin around... Don't shoot the messenger. But, Blondie wanted me to ask you if you were planning on coming to that weird party thing this weekend." He says in his husky - and oddly sexy - voice. 

Rolling my eyes, I grab my keys from the table. "Yes, actually, I am. That's what I'm late for, actually. I'm helping to design the banner that's going up, and pretty much the whole thing actually. And, it's not a party thing, it's for a Charity - sort of. It's complicated, okay? My mom was in charge of it and set it all up, so I'm running it now thats she's... She's gone." Holding open the door, I gesture outside. A sharp quick pang hits my heart and a sting whacks my eyes, but I shake the feeling off.

Finally he seems to get the point pint I've been trying to make for the last five minutes, and walks outside. "Like I said, don't shoot the messenger. Really? You don't seem like that kind of girl... Considering the fact you just killed somebody like, 24 hours ago." He says as I lock the front door behind me.

Sighing, I turn to face him. "Look, that person wasn't me. And, you don't know me at all. Just because my life has been turned upside down, doesn't mean I'm going to put everything on hold because of it. And hey, just because my best friend turned out to be a walking 300 some odd year old psychopath who tried to kill me, doesn't mean that I'm going to change my life over it.

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