Chapter 8 -- Lovers Dream

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I quickly get to Tera's before dropping the stuff on her bed, after learning she had left early for some party. Nice of her to invite me - or even let me know about it. I pick up one flower of vervain, and tuck it into my jacket before heading down and outside. My plan would just have to happen without her then, not that it really required her anyway.

After a 30 minute walk, I reach the Salvatore boarding house and a smirk spreads across my face. I knock briskly on the door, and hear a rush of wind before it opens and Damon stands on the other side. He looks shocked to see me, and my stomach flutters at the sight of him. Dammit, stop it! I need to pull myself together. Act normal.

"Hi, Ela... What's up?" He asks, trying to sound casual. He's holding one glass of bourbon in one hand, and holding the door open in the other. 

"Hi Damon, can I come in? I really want to talk about all this stuff, and apologize for over-reacting earlier. It's not like me, I'm sorry. I'm just so freaked out, that all of this is real.. This just is so freaky." I say in a fake voice, and he opens the door for me and I smile walking in. He leads me into the living room, and I look over at the table. Empty glasses strewn everywhere - as well as a bottle, and I realize that he's drunk.

"Want some bourbon?" Damon asks lifting up a bottle of whiskey, and I raise one eyebrow. He shakes the bottle at me, and refills his own.

"I'm 16 Damon, not 21." Sighing, I flop down on a big brown chair. I try to act normal, even though the smell of liquor is strong and very tempting. 

"So what? I won't tell anyone." He says, causing me to smirk at him. He sits down, and picks up an empty glass - unused. How does one person have this much liquor laying around??

"I'm a rule-breaker, so why not? But only one glass! Getting drunk is not on my list of things to do today." I say, and we both smirk at each other before clinking glasses. 

He downs it in one swig, and since I can't be outdone I repeat this. It burns the whole way down, causing me to cough. "Damn.. I'll have to get used to that!" Smirking at each other, he hands me the bottle.

6 Glasses Later

Elena emerges downstairs, and walks into the living room to find us laughing and chatting away like we've been friends forever. He hair still damp from her shower, and the sickeningly sweet smell of cocoa and shea butter. "Damon? Ela?" She asks, and stands in front of us her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Ahh, the other doppelganger bitch is here. Nice to see you again Elena. You know, in your wild attempt to make me think Katherine's the raging bitch, you should have been talking about yourself."

 I say and tuck my brown hair behind on ear. She rolls her eyes in response, and spots the glasses of alcohol. "Touche." Damon mutters under his breath, earning a glare from his 'girlfriend'.

"Great your both drunk. Look Damon, we need to talk later about something important. I'm going to Tyler's." She says, and storms out obviously upset that they were talking so happily. 

I snort and re-fill my now empty glass. "Well she's a bucket full of sunshine isn't she?" Damon chuckles, and stands up walking over to sit next to me. I look over at him, and he tilts his head reaching his hand up to tuck a strand of hair out of my face. 

"Yeah well, she's going through a tough time.." He says, and I nod carefully. My whole body tingling, and I stare into his piercing blue eyes.

"Maybe you should be with someone that isn't always going through a tough time, every five minutes.." My voice is low, but I know he can hear me.

"Maybe.." Damon says softly, and by now our faces our inches from each other, and my heart is pounding in my chest, and Damon is staring at my lips and I am doing the same. 

"Mmhmm.." I say and without hesitation our lips smash into each others, and we kiss pationtly. I run my fingers through his hair, and he grabs the back of my hair. He pulls me onto his lap, and kisses my neck and down to my collarbone creating goose bumps.

Swallowing hard, I pull off his shirt and he pulls off mine. We go back to kissing, and he stands up with his arms wrapped around my waist and my legs wrapped around his waist. He dashes me upstairs and into his bedroom, which makes me dizzy.

He lays me down on the bed, and plants little kisses all the way down my stomach. Giggling, I nod and...

Two hours later

I blink my eyes open, and smile as the memories flow back to me. Looking over my shoulder I see that Damon is sound asleep shirtless and all. Grinning, and stand up and pulls my clothes back on, running my fingers through my hair.

I shrug my jacket back on, and reach inside it for the vervain when I realize that it's missing. My eyes widen, and I swallow hard. "Looking for this?" Sighing, I turn around running a hand through my hair. Damon is sitting up, looking super sexy and all, with the vervain flower between his finger tips. 

"Yes, actually. It's how I don't get compelled by you vampires, you mind?" I ask holding my hand out for it, and he places it in my hand before pulling me towards him back into the bed. 

He kisses me hard, but I pull back. "I have to go... My mom is leaving for some island today with her jacked up boyfriend, and I have to say goodbye." I kiss him quickly before hopping off the bed. 

"This will have to stay between us okay?" Damon calls after me and I pause briefly. 

"Don't tell Elena, got it. But Damon, I'm not a toy that you can just out an play with. I'm not a slut, and I don't intend to me 'The Other Girl' anytime soon." I say before heading downstairs, and towards the door just as Elena walks in. 

"Hi Elena, bye Elena." My voice is hard and stiff as I push past her, and she wrinkles her brow before looking at my disheveled clothes and hair. 

"Where's Damon at?" She asks softly, and I sigh turning to face her. 

"Upstairs. I crashed here on the couch, drank to much and he went upstairs to keep anything from happening. So don't get your perfect little hair in a knot. I gotta go Elena, see you later." I turn, but she stops me.

"I'm sorry about earlier. Its not like me, I'm sorry." She says, and I yank away. 

"Just forget about it." I snap back, and walk outside, before heading home.

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