Tiny Marionette

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You were sitting in the circle everyone had already put there items in the bag (A/N: you don't know who put what in)
"(Y/N)-senpai you can go first!!!"
"Why Tobi...uuggg!" "Because Tobi is a good boy! Ladies first"
     I timidly put my hand in the small bag hoping I don't pull out Hidans or Deidara's item, Tobi doesn't scare me that bad so either him or...my eyes suddenly flicker over to my red headed crush 'Danna'.

You clasp your hand around something familiar but you can't lay your finger on why is familiar you shrug it off and pull the item out...staring at it blankly, before blushing bright red, because even if you didn't watch who put it in. It was obvious who would put a tiny marionette in as a game object. Your crush...Sasori.

You hear a small sigh and when you look up Sasori was in front of you looking away as he held his hand down for you to take.
Since he was looking away you thought he was disappointed, which gave you doubts and made you nervous about what to do when you got in the closet.
You finaly took his hand in which he gently pulled you to your feet. And tugged you towards the closet.
Once in Tobi closed the door behind the two of you.

"Um...D...Danna...if you don't wanna do anything...we don't have to."
"Shut up brat..."
"Uh...um okay." Maybe he knows I like him, what if he wants nothing to do with me anymore. I can feel myself getting really nervous by thinking about it.
I hear Danna take a deep breath as if he getting ready to do something...
"Come here brat..."
"Uh...um coming...where are you?? Aagghh!! S...sorry Danna."
At that moment you trip over something in the dark closet and tackle the puppet to the ground.

"Y...your fine (Y/N)"
You gasp Sasori has never used your actual name before it was always 'brat' or 'gaki' and even sometimes 'puppet'
Sasori gets up carefully pulling you with him.
"Why did you gasp...just now?"
"Uh...um I d...don't know."
You could practically hear him smirk at your answer.
"Yeah right brat...look at me."
It was a command but not harsh like with his usual tone...it makes you feel butterflies in your belly, knowing he cares...enough to be sweet.
"I..it's just that y...you've never used my real name before."
"(Y/N) c...could I kiss you? I mean we only have about three minuets left." "S...sure..."
He puts his finger under your chin cause you are slightly shorter than he is, moments later your body is covered in goosebumps as his lips press against yours in a passionate kiss.
You put your hands in his hair slowly allowing yourself to feel it's softness under your fingertips, gasping slightly when you feel his hands graze against you hip.
Moments pass before you have to pull away for air. He is confused and does it look like he's hurt...once you catch your breath you gently tug him down to your level and since your eyes have adjusted you can see the look of surprise on his face. When your lips touch for the second time you feel him smirk against your lips...and you start to wonder if it was a smart move to kiss him again. Suddenly you are lightly pressed against the door to the closet as he kissed you lightly licking your bottom lip. You granted him entrance and right as your tongues made contact the door opened and you both fell to the floor.
"Dammit Deidara!!!Do you not know how to knock you brat!?!?"
You stared up at Sasori as he blushed at being caught in the 'act' with you...but you are just to happy to be mad at Deidara's rude move.
Sasori helped you up and helped you straighten out your outfit.
Then he leaned in and whispered something in your ear you watch the other members as there faces turn curious then even more so when your own became a look of surprise and a huge blush. As the ginger went to walk away you made a bold move and smacked him on the ass. He instantly looked back at you with a blush as red as his hair. You looked away giggling innocently.


Well guys that's it sorry it took a little longer to update than I said I would. I had a second chapter typed up but when I got on this morning to publish it, well I was not very happy to see that every bit of chapter 2 had been deleted (even the pic was gone)
Anyway enough with my rambling please give me some comments and vote :D I will try and update again tomorrow.

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