Shark Tooth

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The game came to you being first. Of course your two best friends convinced you to play...well more like forced you to.
Well you stick your hand into the bag searching for an interesting item, one that dosnt belong to Zetsu, or Hidan. Your hand comes into contact with something slightly sharp.
Out of curiosity you stick your hand down far enough to wrap your fingertips around the small item. Pulling it out you finally notice what it was. A tooth?
"Zetsu-chan is this yours?"
" item was a spindle fern leaf..."
"Um (Y/N) that's a shark tooth...and it's mine."
You turned around to find the owner of the voice standing up in front of his spot on the couch. Blushing slightly you walked forward and lightly grabbed his large hand into yours. You tugged him towards the broom closet Itachi following close behind to shut and lock the door. "Seven minutes Kisame..."
After hearing the door close you heard a light thump on the opposite end of the closet. Assuming it was Kisame you wondered what was wrong.
"Kisa-chan...are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine...wait what did you just call me?"
"Um....I...i called you, Kisa-chan...I hope you don't mind..."
"No I don't do you wanna play this or...would you rather not...I mean I understand..."
You got a devious idea planned and while moving forward without him noticing you bend down in front of him. "Sure. I'll play Kisa-chan...but you have to make the first move."
Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness now so you could see the light purple tint his cheeks.

(I don't know if y'all caught on but since kisame's skin is blue the red and blue colors would mix making his skin tone a purplish color.)

He slightly leaned in brushing his lips against yours for a moment. Being a nice person you didn't want to torture him any further so you leaned in the rest of the way locking both of your lips together in a shy kiss. Pushing into the kiss a bit you put more passion into it trying to show him how you feel without words.
When you finaly pulled back Kisame's face was bright purple.
You stifle a giggle as you looked at his embarrassed face starting at the floor as if it was interesting.
You slowly brought your arms around his neck in a light hug.
"I love you Kisame..." He stiffed at the contact between both of yours body then as soon as he registered those 4 words you could feel the heat radiating off of his skin. "(Y/N) I...I love you too...but how can you love me? I'm a weird looking freak and...I'm a killer." You ended his ranting by pulling him into a kiss. As you pulled away he was blushing all over again. You smirk knowing you found his weakness. "Don't you remember? The day you saved me...from those Anbu? That's when I fell in love with you...I couldn't help it...but I hid my feelings because I loved you to much." You went to lean in again but right as your lips touched Itachi slammed the door open grinning. Blushing you both pull back quickly standing up. "Nice job Kisame you finaly got the balls to kiss her...or did she make the first move?" Grinning you grabbed kisame's hand and pulled him out of the closet you then turned and spoke to the cocky Uchiha. "Oni-chan... He kissed me first." You grin at his stunned expression then turned around walking with your new boyfriend towards the living room to finish the game.

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