Rennagan Flashlight

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You look up as the bag is shoved in your face. Nervous as hell you stick your hand into the bag.
You instantly come into contact with something short, metal, and cold. Curious you wrapped your fingers around it and pulled it up and out of the bag.

You knoticed it was a flashlight of sorts. Then turning it on the light shined across the room onto the wall. It was purple and black and was in the shape of a rennagan.
At first you looked to Nagato assuming it was his since he acctuly has rennagan as his kenke genki.
When he grinned and shook his head no. Indicating that it wasn't him that owned the light.
Then you looked up as a hand was pushed in front of your face.
You knoticed, who the hand belonged to and he didn't seem happy. Blushing you took his hand in yours. He quickly pulled you up and towards the closet.
Once inside Nagato closed the door while holding a pink grin.
Of course as he was grinning. He knew of your crush on the orange haired teen.

The door was closed, the room was pitch black and it is filled with a sort of tension but you couldn't lay your finger on it.

"Um...(Y/N) do you do this or..."

You were startled as the quiet teen spoke, and became flustered because of his question. You took a moment to decide how to answer without sounding to eager.

" sure...I mean if you want to anyway."

Without waiting on his answer you move forward and place your lips on his surprisingly soft ones. You can feel him go numb under your touch. His cheeks start to feel hot under yours.

You pull back moments later. Now your vision has adjusted to the dark and you can see his wide eyes, red cheeks and slightly agape kissable lips.

"C...can you do that again...(Y/N) felt nice."

His blush is so dark you can feel the heat from a foot away.
You put a hand against the ussualy brave, and abnoxsious boys left cheek and lean in and kiss his perfect plump lips again.

You can feel him put his hands on your waist holding them there. His cheeks are still burning as you put more pressure into the passionate kiss. You move your hands to his hair feeling it run between your fingers.

"It's...surprisingly...soft" you mumble out between kisses.

Yahiko pulled away, the need for air became to apparent.
You continue to run your fingers through his hair.

"Is it that surprising that it's soft?"

Grinning you lightly pull his hair.

"Can I tell you something...Yahiko?"

"Sure (Y/N)?"

"I love you..."

Wide eyes became wider. Pink cheeks became scarlet.
And a slightly agape mouth fell to the floor...

All of a sudden your being picked up off the floor and swung around by a very giddy love struck teenaged boy.
You look at his face and see a huge smile on a red face.

Hugging you close Yahiko whispers sweetly in your ear.

"I love you too."

He swiftly pressed his lips to yours, while hugging you to his body.

"I love you so much!"

Minutes pass and you were basking in the love.
You kissed him on the lips lightly right as the door was swung open by the Akatsuki leader's best friend.

" two finaly come out of your " closet" or whatnot? Cause I think it's about time you both stopped blushing every time you pass each other."

Grinning Nagato allowed the two of you to exit the closet. Of course you punched him in the shoulder. Smiling on as you held Yahiko's hand.


I'm sorry if this chapter sucked it was 2:52am here in Kentucky when I wrote it so not only was it late but it was also hot and humid so I was tired and hot lol.
Anyway one more chapter!! It's gonna be Lady Konan so keep an eye out :)
Also I would like to apologize for the long wait between these chapters. I've just not had the Wifi to post or publish anything so I hope you can be patient for the last (and final) chapter to this book.
If y'all have any questions about me please leave them in the comments section, I also appreciate constructive criticism.
Love you all and thanks for reading.
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