Sharingan Marble

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The room seemed stuffy, almost to thick to breath. I gulped down a breath as I got nervous, ik dipped my hand into the bag praying that I didn't get any weirdo, like Zetsu...I think he is a canable.
I feel around at the various items immidiatly letting go of the obvious owners, then I wrapped the tips of my fingers around a small, smooth, ball like item. With curiosity in mind I quickly pull the item out of the bag. What I saw was...a marble? With the sharingan on it, at first I thought it belonged to Tobi-senpai but then out the corner of my eye I saw the one person I didn't expect to get, stand up and walk towards me."" "C'mon (Y/N)-Chan this is no big deal..." I can tell I'm lightly blushing. As he reaches out his hand I look at it for a moment, I gently grab his hand and stand up lightly. "Aww why do you smile when you get Itachi but cringe when you get me or Sasori-danna, Un???" Deidara was really getting on my nerves so I make sure to step on his hand on my way to the closet. "Dammit you little shit I will break you!!!" Deidara screamed as he grabbed his red hand.
"So (Y/N) why did you smile...when you got me?"
I don't know why but somehow I can hear him smirk.
" I..." I can feel my blush.
I think about my next move and, quickly reached up grabbing his cloak pulling him down into a deep kiss. Once you pull back, letting go of his cloak.
"S...sorry...Itachi-kun... I don't know what I was thinking." I suddenly look up my eyes have already adjusted to the darkness so I see he has wide eyes and has his finger tips to his lips. He suddenly leans down and gently grabs my chin and kisses me smack on the lips, I think I squeaked out of surprise at first, then I slowly wrap my arms around his neck pulling him in closer. I pull back needing air. "I...I love you Itachi-kun..." I lightly Peck his lips again right as Deidara opens the door. "So (Y/N) you finally told your 'Itachi-kun' that you love him with everything in you?" I blush so red while looking at my feet, both boys are grinning. "Yes Deidara she did so guess what?" "H..huh what?" "She's mine now, so back off." My head shoots up so fast I'm sure it popped, I looked at a fuming Deidara and a grinning Itachi. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, dragging me back to the circle to finish the game.

Well guys here is another chapter. I just want to put it out there that I'm going through a lot right now so my updates are gonna be fewer and far between.
Also if you have a problem with the way I spelt something you can let me know by all means but I would appreciate it if you do it in a civil fashion, please and thank you. Thank you for reading my stories and if you liked this chapter please give me a vote and leave a comment or even if it's a suggestion, please by all means I will take suggestions. :)

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