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Zachary By The Side

Zachary's P.O.V

"So your entire band wants to join our pack?" The Alpha drawled, a bored tiresome expression played unto his face. He didn't seem worried, or even remotely surprised by our request. Rather, only intrigued. Which was odd, as in past instances by now any Alpha would have become crazily territorial.

I nodded, raising the wine glass from the expensively cloaked table, steadily shaking it. "Yes," I rose the glass gradually, a broad smile positioned unto my lips. "The more the merrier, I personally think."

Maverick growled, "You would. You mean more mouths to feed."

I laughed shortly, causing everyone (werecats and werewolves alike) to raise their heads at me, faces painted in weariness. "It'll just be a better challenge during hunting season, your majesty." I softened it up smartly, adding on respect by using his title.

Trust was not an issue, never in history had any sane werecat initiated a full on war, and never had a werewolf chose to pick one with that breed. We left one another well alone, trustful enough but not to the extent of being comfortable. Instead, werecats kept to their bands as werewolves settled in their packs, it kept both sides happy.

Maverick pursed his lips, the line getting thinner. It was typical male Alpha behaviour; he needed to prove to me who was in charge, though with my royal blood as well as overwhelming respect for me, altering my view of how things were wasn't going to be changed by much. I'd bite my lip and bow down if it meant that my brother and my band could enter safely, be reassured of a nice livelihood. Their safety was my main concern. Speaking of my brother, I raised my head to chance a look at him.

Fred was awkward as he sat on a table at the other side. He was plopped down unto a golden chair, with the head female Alpha Rowan constantly touching him. The Omega respectfully kept his head bowed, nerved by her erotic impressions.

It was only manners, I knew from my brothers expression that secretly he was most delighted that his Alpha was so dedicated to him, an enthralled Alpha was much better than an ignorant one who paid their Omega little to no bother.

Of course the Alpha was looking forward to having him to herself, she'd be eager to devour my virgin brother. Omegas were kept pure in large respect, mostly in all Were breeds. Alpha's most of the time, and no one bothered to instruct a Beta how to take care of themselves (not many cared). Omegas were usually mated off early or at least put into schools so that they could learn proper etiquette. It was rare to find an Omega or Alpha mate-less, as those natures typically found their mates. Betas were another matter though...

Fred's cheeks were tinted red, giving me the notion that the Alpha was probably incapable of keeping her hands to herself until they found themselves in the comfort of their bedroom. She worsened the idea with her cheeky glance at him, as though egging him to release sound. Fred did so, breathlessly gasping.


Though that's what we were - weren't we?

I beamed at Maverick, "Your majesty, we only wish to please. Moreover a large majority of our Omegas are to be mated or even bonded to your Alphas. It is nearly impossible to have us sent off land when it's clear that you'd have outraged Alphas fighting tooth and nail for the return of their sweet Omega."

"Do not lecture me on my Alphas, Blackbird," Maverick loured at me, a deep scowl beginning to show. "You'd all have to perform the ritual beforehand, however. Moreover, you will be placed into a platonic imprinting service."

Rowan stood up promptly, as well as several of the other Alphas. All of which were angrily growling, teeth viciously bore at the young Alpha King.

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