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 A Thaisce= My treasure

A Stóirín= My Little Darling

Muirin By The Side

Quincy's P.O.V 


Lance had always been there, from youth he had been that cool overbearing adult figure. Even if he was ten years older than me, he had managed to romance me into a school crush. Perhaps he was my first love; he had the novelty of being the one that I had fascinated about whilst growing up. 

Now he was leaving. 

Leaving me, leaving everyone and going away. Even if I was meant to be an adult now, when I had my Mate and would be expected to have children soon...I still wanted to sob into his shoulders as he held me close. 

Lance had constantly been the one I could rely on, if I had gone to Sophie's mansion I would secretly wait around he and his friend's until he would take notice of me. His soft brown eyes, a sort of caramel/butterscotch tint to them as he would practically light up at the sight at me. 

I would fantasize every night that one day I would be his Mate. Yet, when I came of age I realized that Mates could only come about on first sight. If I were his Mate, I would have known from day one.  However, now that fact didn't bother me so much anymore, I could live with the idea that I'd never be his. 

I had October anyway. He was handsome, charming, had an energetic laugh and playful attitude. He could bring me to life, in a way that my dolls could never fulfil. Whether it was those eyes or those dimples...I went weak at the knees, in a sort of mushy teen girl pose. 

When I arrived by the moat, Lance was mounting his horse already. Sophie beside him, weeping into her tissue dramatically. I strolled towards them, determined to remain stoic in expression. 

I wouldn't falter now, I couldn't. That would be admitting that I was weak, giving into the rage that was being released inwardly. Crying out in outrage as I attempted to keep him here would do either of us no good; rather it would purely be embarrassment. Embarrassment that I, as future king could not risk. 

Lance was in full military uniform. The Alpha's badges shone, signalling a warning of his apparent dominance. Queasily I deterred my gaze from what else happened to sparkle, the packaging of the new black guns. 

From your ordinary pistol hand gun, to a much more advanced sniper. I blanched, pale. 

"Lance," My call out what strong, "Attention!" 

He didn't flinch, just subtracted his gaze from his bawling sibling to face me. A brief salute and nod my way, the other soldiers in his quake awaiting orders. 

"Men!" Lance boomed. 

"Yes sir!" The choir of men replied. 

"Leave us, dismissed. Come back in five. Practise drills around the palace shortly." He addressed, sending chills down my spine with his authority. 

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