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As you have guessed...finishing so I deduce that this is the end of Book 1 before I get some major editing in to OFFICIALLY be done with this book. Then unto Book 2 probably around December 2014 or next year 2015. Whenever I have the courage for it or people actually WANT to read it. Ah well, please comment and vote. Don't diss me just because bad things happen, there is always a storm before the calm. 


Rowan's P.O.V 

So this was what it felt like to die inside, to have your intestines ripped out moreover stomped out to the ground right in front of you. Not literally of course, only in my sadistic view of poetry evidently. I mean we had two hours I thought, and now I had to say goodbye to Frederick along with my unborn pups a great deal earlier than I had ever even intended. 

"I'm pregnant." He had garbled hours before in his light dress robes. He twirled a finger in his light mane absent-mindedly, as if he was trying to save time by doing such a irresolute notion. He grinned timidly, even brushing his hands across the soon-to-be bump area unconsciously. 

"I know." I beamed, displaying my teeth contentedly. "I can smell it; you are full with my pups’ darling." 

Frederick flushed his face jotting down as he jolted. "Don't say it like that." He whispered. "Just don't."

"Who else knows?" I said, getting up so as to place a hand on his stomach. Sure enough there was nothing there but I could just about feel the blossoming atmosphere of life that surrounded it. Frederick swallowed, tilting his head ever so vaguely up to me. He was so enticing, so gorgeous and petite. My Omega. Always my Omega.

"Quincy...he caught me throwing up. I think I conceived that time when you well y'know the thing with the..."

"I know." I replied, cupping his face as I kissed him. "I know."

He was referring to the time that I had gotten very possessive. One of the former Were-cat Alphas had gone out for an Omega in his rut. A rut being when an Alpha could not control himself and needed to breed something...anything. It was like having the rabies, and Alphas in such conditions were normally put down. The idiot had gone out for my Omega out of all people, subsequently dying an excruciating death before I pounced on my Omega, claiming him in all ways possible in the unwelcoming view of at least five people. 

Dating a Werewolf could be a drag. Mating with them...Eternal Elders you needed to get it into your head that you would never smell like yourself again. It was virtually your Alphas job to make sure that you smelt like them all day every day to ward off rivalry. Thank goodness that Quincy hadn't heard about it (probably too busy making babies with October or something) but Frederick had nonetheless been embarrassed when he was done moaning and I had definitely gave him a knot. Something pretty uncommon for a female Alpha. The knot had lasted around thirty minutes, enough time for me to lick his neck as well as caressing the wound that I had given him while he flattened against the ground. Eventually the pervy bystanders got the gist when I started to threateningly growl so they headed off. 

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