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Zachary's P.O.V

He wasn't that good looking...not really. 

Maybe he was but I wouldn't know anyway. In a sort of pretty boy dumb-struck way, he had that sort of puppy-dog expression. Cheeks that were slightly full and a body that was on its way to being toned and developed but it weren’t there yet. In short, he was okay looking. A mile away from handsome, but he was close. 

So there I was wondering why someone like him, someone who looked so innocent would even consider jumping. Like that would help anything. 

He'd been falling down when I'd been hobbling along the pathway; I had been temporarily distracted by the sensitive change in air, looking up to see his body hurtling downwards. He'd crashed down of course, there was no hope for me to help or catch him in time. His non-existent expression wasn't altered when he collided with the ground. Rather, he remained as rigid as possible. 

For a near second I'd assumed him dead, a rush of adrenaline whizzing past my bloods stream at the thought of telling Quincy that his Mate was dead. I would be lying if I said that it didn't fill me with a great need of importance. The quicker that the blond was out of the way, the better for me. 

A few minutes had passed then; I eventually approached him in cautious stature. No blood flow had escaped his temple, even when I gazed upwards and realized from what height he had fallen from that there should have at least been a minimal trickle. Not even a single graze, bending down to examine his cheek...nothing. He was clearly untouched, even when I lowered myself down to check his breathing it was oddly steady. 

The boy had nearly been untouched. 

That's where we were now, I and him still on the pavement. My crutch remained limply on the far corner, no need for it at present time. I'd thought about it for a while, this being the boy that had captured Quincy's fascination. Spending my time in the royal infirmary had delighted me with palace gossip, this was the boy who had caused concern on a national scale. This boy had been the one where they had to call specialists for on the scene, all of which were concerned about the upcoming mating greatly. I couldn't believe that he was the one that held Quincy's interest. 

They don't know much about the mating really, that's what I heard. 

Apparently he can't impregnate the Prince Omega. 

What I heard is that he's going to be exiled. 

He isn’t a wolf anyway. 

For the mating the Omega Prince of Water-high is coming and the one of...

That had been the general gossip; the palace had practically been fuelled with it. Nearly at every corner someone was discussing the possible consequences of the predicament. How would it be resolved, or what would become of October Walters. 

October's eyes had begun to flutter open; he gasped as if surprised by the take of air and opened his eyes narrowly. His pale cheeks had been tinted red now, as if the movement had exhausted him. He turned his head to the side, slowly eyes rising upwards. 

A Walk On The Softer Side (Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now