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Part one

"Stop this, I can take care of you. Isn't that what a daughter is supposed to do for her father?"


I hissed and wrapped my fists tight around the steering wheel when I saw the blue and red lights flicker behind my vehicle when I drove down a quiet rode a little too quickly. When I had checked for my wallet, a small instinct, it was gone. "Dammit, Jaclyn. You left my wallet at the restaurant!"

"What?" Jaclyn spoke with confusion until the realization of what I just told her came. "I totally did."

"You're going to get me arrested now," I shouted at her. "All I asked was for you to hold my purse as I went to the restroom while you went to the car, Jac."

"Well, I'm sorry, Ria. I was-"

"Flirting with that guy I know what you were doing," I sighed and with no choice I had to pull over. The thought of pressing the gas did came to mind but then I would definitely go to jail. After I pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road and turned off the engine I looked forward and muttered loud enough to be heard. "Do not say a word."

She zipped her mouth closed with an invisible key and threw it.

The police officer did the usual routine and parking behind my car and I couldn't help myself but watch from the rearview mirror as the officer stepped out of the vehicle and towards ours. My night was getting better and better... I had thought sarcastically to myself. First my friend forgets my purse at a bar and now I'm getting pulled over. I shouldn't even of let her hold my purse in the first place now that I thought clearly.

This wasn't my car really. It was Jaclyn's and she had two kids. So as a result the backseat had a many kids meal toys and other toddler things.

The man walked up to the window with a flashlight and seeing us he shined it in our faces. I winced and he cut the bright ass light off to look at me.

"Oh!" He quickly recognized me and it brought me to attention that I knew this guy. Well... I didn't know him, but my husband Clyde did.

My husband was the chief of police and so the police officer that stopped me was confused when he saw me. His Chief's wife. And him the new guy who hasn't even been an officer for more than a week.

"Sorry ma'am," he quickly said. I think he sounded a bit nervous. "I didn't recognize this vehicle, I didn't know you would be here. Or this late."

"I'm trying to take my wasted friend home, I'm sorry I was going over the speed limit. She was getting rowdy and annoying and I just want to take her back to her bed," The lie easily rolled off my tongue. I smiled kindly at him. "She just went through a divorce and I wanted to help her out of it. I'm sorry for going over the speed limit, it will not happen again. I would just like to not die tonight."

The divorce or the children part wasn't a lie, or maybe the drunk part too... maybe she was a bit tipsy.

"Um..." He didn't know what to do if he arrested the chief of police's wife. "Alright, ma'am. I guess I'll let this slide. Just slow down a bit, okay? You never know what might run across the road at this time."

"Thank you," I gave him another gentle smile. "I will be slower, have a nice night officer."

"You too, ma'am."

With that he returned to his vehicle, and turning mine on, I drove off slowly. This time I remained the current speed limit. I was still slightly mad and Jaclyn for leaving my damn wallet but I would cut her some slack because it was my fault as well. She still felt sorry though.

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