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Getting there was more than a month, about four days after a month. There was still a vast about of ocean around us, but the only unusual thing was the island with a bunch of palm trees and a large tent and lot of things scattered across it. The island was a bit large, it looked like it had some wildlife like deer and monkeys.

The two ships stopped a safe distance from the island, not wanting to wreck it. We had to use row boats to make it to the island with a couple of the crew, and of course I had to come along. From our ship three crew members tagged along with Amul, Caspian, and I. From Vane's crew Him, his Quartermaster Jack, Mark, and four other of his crew came to tag along.

With Amul on our boat we couldn't bring more men since he was big enough. I sat between him and Caspian, staring at the island as we grew closer. The rowboats finally hit land, and Amul got out and grabbed the rope inside to pull the boat to shore. We had one man, who was the big Amul, do this. It took two of Vane's men to do theirs.

Pete, who was one of the crew on the ship, got out of the boat before me. he offered his hand to help me out, and not wanting to be rude I took it and stepped onto shore. I was so happy to be walking on solid land again...

"I know Vane," I heard Caspian whispering to Amul softly, I was lucky to be around to hear them. "Will might help us find the room, if the man did steal the gold we can't let the man kill him."

Amul nodded, and then we met up with Captain Vane and his men. I felt so small being the only woman in the situation, especially standing next to Amul. Of course he was a huge guy.

"Where is that crazy fool?" Vane looked around the island, obviously furious.

"We need to talk to the man before yer go mad," Caspian reminded the furious captain, taking his hat and wiped invisible dust off.

Mark pointed in a direction, "Do you not see the tent on the other side of them bushes? He may be there. Or dead," He snickered and started moving towards the location he pointed too. All of us also walked towards the location, and through the bushes we stepped into a large camp. It had a campfire, hanging wet clothes on a branch and a hammock between two palm trees, and a lot of junk everywhere.

There were noises in the tent, muttering and the sounds of metal clanging. We walked around the tent to see someone inside, something with crazy white hair, was obviously an old man with ragged clothes. The poor man had no shoes on.

"Will!" Vane called out the man's name, and the old man snapped his head around from whatever he was doing and stared at Vane. "You rotten thief! I'll cut your fingers off and feed 'em to ya!"

"Hey!" I shouted before he could enter the tent after the poor guy. Before I could say anything more Caspian spoke up, as if to silence me, "We need to speak to him first, mind yerself Vane."

"What're you all doin' here!" The man's eye twitched. "Get away from here!"

"Have you gone more insane man?" spoke Mark, his arms crossed tightly over his chest.

He threw a rock at us, and it was heading straight for my head. Before I could even duck my head Amul, with great speed, caught it like it was nothing.

Caspian saw this, and with an angry expression, stepped inside of the tent and pushed the old man out. "Calm yerself, yer old geezer. Watch where yer throw them stones!"

"You people are on my island!" He shouted. "I were kind enough to let you on it before! Get off of it now!"

I noticed something shiny reflecting off of him, but apparently it only caught my eyes. I looked at it hanging from his side, it was a canteen. A metal canteen.

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