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I have been quieter than I would thought after what happened two days ago in my room I have been quieter than I wanted to be. I was watching as the other pirates were using Bear to get certain things for them. They thought I was funny, and even praised the dog. I was glad they liked Bear, and at least they were teaching Bear to do something.

Of course pirates would teach the dog to get bottles of rum...

When I looked at Caspian walking across the deck chatting to the members of the crew, seeing how much the crew liked him, I couldn't help but think about what he told me. With the knowledge of knowing he had a kid once... it was shocking. I wonder if he blamed himself for that woman's death giving birth for his child, when he was only using her to get to his father. Maybe, because of his father, seducing women was all he known because he done it to tick his father with every woman he was with.

Caspian was a handsome man, it was obvious. The strong jawline, the beautiful emerald eyes, the blond hair, and nice body. A normal man would be envious to look like him...

Because of his looks, that's why his father hated him. That's what led him to do the things in his life that he now regrets.

His looks cursed him. My looks cursed mine.

The similarities were odd, but true.

I saw a large ship heading this way, it cause my attention and Amul's. When he saw it he called out for Caspian, and he quickly walked up the stairs and the helm, his eyes also catching the ship.

"Hmmm...." Hummed Caspian in deep thought. "This should be interestin'."

"Who is it? That's a pretty large ship."

"Someone pretty dangerous," Caspian warned. "I know how yer temper is lass, but this time keep a hold on yer tongue. This man is not to be trifled with."

"Who is it?" I repeated.

"Yer will see," Was all Caspian said before ordering his men to raise the sails to stop the ship. It seems the larger one was getting closer, and was also raising its own sail. I stood up began to walk down the stairs of this ship and to the middle of the deck. I was wearing that dress from two days ago when I was trying to distract all those men. Now I was just wearing it so I can wash my other clothes later, they were staring to stink and I needed to dump them in a bucket of water.

So now I looked a little out of place on the ship full of pirates with bandanas, and one ear pierced. And swords. Caspian still had my weapons locked up in his Quarters because he thought I might use it to cut my hair or worse, myself.

The ship slowed until they came to a halt, and I could immediately see the ship next to us was bigger. And old slave ship. I looked up to see their pirate flag but noticed this one was totally different. This was a picture of a man holding a spear and the spear was aimed at a red heart. The flag was unique, and odd...

I lowered my eyes to look on a ship. It was obvious who the captain of the ship by the one man who stuck out of the rest, he wore a long red coat and four guns. He also wore a hat like Caspian's only without the feather, but in complete honesty, it wasn't the clothing that made him stand out. Not the guns, black boots, nor height. It was his long black beard that covered most of his face, hanging from it. It grew to his sideburns and into his hair.

The look was familiar to the movies I have watched, and the folklore. I stared at the man with a baffled expression. Until it finally hit me.

Holy shit... I thought in a shudder. Is that...

"Edward Teach," Caspian grinned and resting his food on a small box, propping his foot on a box to make his leg into a 90-degree angle. He done it so calmly. "It has been a while since we last met."

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