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"They keys are a curse... they hurt anyone who has contact with them..."


"Wake up, Miss. Shay," Li's voice woke me up from my sleep. The last voice I wanted to hear wake me up. I felt water hit my face when I refused to open my eyes and I snapped them open, looking up to see her standing over me. It was in the middle of the day and it seems we were in the middle of nowhere -really. With birds flying in circles over the sky and long grass that looked like it stretched for miles.

Oh, I really don't like you anymore... I thought angrily as I stared up at the Chinese woman.

She took the gag off from my mouth, "My intentions are not to hurt you. I am not an assassin for this job, but I am supposed to find the woman named Ria Shay," She took a piece of paper out of her sleeve and unrolled it, showing me. "I am surprised I had not recognized you from this, most drawings are not so accurate as this one. I was expecting someone taller..."

"You're a fucking assassin!" I screamed.

"Not for this job, if you would listen," She rolled the paper up again, sliding it in the sleeve of her kimono. Somehow it stayed. "I was hired to bring you back to a man named Mordecai, or well not hired, but asked, since I owe him greatly. He does not ask for much that man, so this is the only way I can repay him."

Seeing the shock on my face she rolled her eyes, "I am to bring you back alive and unharmed."

"I was trying to picture you as an assassin," My eyes widened. "How the hell did you manage to fight Amul??"


"The big guy."

"Oh, rather easily," She crouched down in front of me, grabbing a canteen of water. "He has a weakness to the darkness; his eyes are very weak to it. It was obvious while I tied him to your.... Husband I assume? Of course," She held the canteen to my lips. "You must drink, Miss. Shay, it would be a shame if you died of thirst before we got there."

"I don't know, that sounds pretty good right now..."

"Drink," Now it was an order. "Or I will make you."

"An order and a threat," I took a sip out of the canteen, then a gulp. It was hard holding it with my tied hands but tried to. "How lovely."

She took the canteen back and closed it. the canteen was round and looked like it must have been made in china. She put it to the side. She stepped to the front of the carriage and grabbed the rains, the carriage began moving again.

"Who the hell is Mordecai?" She forgot to put my gag back on.

She didn't reply.

I slowly moved my wrists to get me free, trying to be silent as I loosened the tightly tied bandage. "I totally regret ever helping you in that store."

"If not for you giving me your true last name, Miss. Shay, I would have not known it was you. That is your fault, not mine. You must understand, this is only another job for me. Of course I can't kill you unlike my others, and you're female rather than male. It is nice for a change."

"How much is this fucker paying you?"

"Nothing, I owe him greatly. If you would have listened to what I said previously then you would have known, this is just.... The best way to put this... a gift for a friend who does not have nothing else to give for."

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