Chapter 3

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I'M so so sorry, its just my main language is English, but broken. I'm Portuguese so, ever time i put something on paper it comes out complete wrong sometimes, forgive me? xoxox.


Harry POV.

Its been two weeks or so since, I've met that girl, yet she crosses my a few times. This isn't luck, it's a new chance, I suppose.

The words she spoke aren't like normal fans, but the rather ones that understands. I only seen her twice, yet I want to know her story. Maybe I'll go back to the restaurant she works at, and ask her on a date. I don't know.Maybe.

I'm guessing she isn't from here either, her accent broken.

"Hazza? Are you coming!" Boo bear screams, it echo's through out the flat.

"Yeah! Wait a minute," I grab my phone and run down the stairs. "So where we all going?" I ask quickly, while we squeeze into the car.

"This restaurant, I heard its good."  Zayn quickly, I nod and begin to play a game on my phone. 

When we arrive, I reorganized it quickly, this is where I met that Ashley girl, I can maybe ask for her number, or something. On a date.  When I see her from the corner of my eye at a table.

The waiter, leads us all to the table where sitting at, about five minutes, No one saw us. That was a close one. I Whisper into Louis's ear "He-" I was cut of by a voice.

"Can I get you guys any drinks." When we look up, she stops. But knowing she won't say anything.

"Don't tell anyone we're here." Niall says.

"Never," She whispers. " I'm Ashley and I'm going to be your waiter this afternoon, do you guys want anything to drink?" She says clear, god her voice is breath taking.

After we all said what we wanted, I stop her by grabbing her wrist. She looks me dead n the eye, And I tell her to come a little closer. I hand her a piece of paper with my phone number, she looks confused for a minute but shoves it in her pocket anyways. She walks away and comes back with our drinks, then asks us what we wanted to eat, I just stare at her. 

"Haz, your staring at her," With that I turn to look at him.

"So," I saw firmly, with a Sharpe pitch in my voice. He just gives me a glare and I turn my face to Niall, and kick him underneath the table, and smirked.


Ashley's POV.

I was longing for a break, since I got here, yet I had to wait. When, One Direction, finally left, I took the crinkled piece of paper and read it.

Here's my number, text me sometime? -H xx.

I look confused, why would he want a girl, that slightly, gives up so often yet he doesn't know my lovely story. I suddenly couldn't think right. I couldn't even breath right. I was confused but bit amazed. At all this. I put my earplugs and put on my music list. I mouth along to my favorite song.

Look around there's no one but you and me,

right here and now the way its was meant to be.

I continue until the song ends, and wait for the time to pass by. Unlikely, it won't. Its quite wonderful, that you work in a place and get to meet people.

I get home about three hours later, and sit on the edge of the counter, to my surprise Lynn is making me dinner.

"Make it medium rare, please" I give her puppy eyes with a pout. She nodded slightly.

"Something wrong babe?" I whisper, but loud enough for her to hear.

"It doesn't matter," She says quietly, I walk to her side; her eyes were a puffy red.

"Babe, tell me what's wrong." She nods her head and begins to cry, she breaking down.

" I don't know anymore, I ran away from home, yet they never get the idea. I don't want to talk to them, I want a new start with no stress." Once those words left her mouth, I knew exactly who she was talking about.

"Babe, don't let the put you to rock bottom, you'll understand they want you back, you did just leave one random morning and never returned, even though you left a note saying your goodbyes, never really stop them to find you. Life has a price tag on it, honey."

She looks me dead in the eyes, but I turn away. It's like not knowing, why I come this way, in her mind she wondering who I've become over the years, yet I just pull away.

"But ash-" 

"No but's, go to bed you need sleep." She doesn't answer she just walks away and closes her door, my food was already on the table when I notice her cry, so I eat it fast, but not making my chock to death.

I spirit to my room and jump on my bed, screaming when my face hits the cold blanket. 

Solid as I am, I never understand. I got really annoyed, of being bored. So I took out Harry's number saved it to my phone and text him, seeing if he was awake.

Hey! It's Ashley, i'm extremely bored. so i thought i give you a lovely text. After waiting for what seems two minutes my phone buzzed.

Hello, love. and what a lovely text it was. 

I laughed to myself. Thinking my life, was never this lucky, yet everything falls into place, one way or another. Nothing seems to believe, that I was ever put in a spot were I breaking down, and hit the lowest place of them all. Yet I'm still here and survied it all.

We text for an hour until he said hes goodbye's, while I did the same. I was so focus, on what was going to happen tomorrow. After thinking those exact words, I feel asleep, knowing tomorrow coulldn't get any better, then it already was.

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