Chapter seven

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Logan's pov

That Veronica chick made me so frustrated. I know she wasn't here to just use the bathroom. I'm not stupid. I walked back into the office and slammed the door shut. "now where were we?"

I looked down at my Beta in annoyance. "you were just telling me that I can't see my girlfriend anymore."

There was more to it than that and he knew it. He couldn't see lily. Lily was only fourteen and he was seventeen and she was definitely not his mate. He needed to get his priorities straight. "I'm not telling you anymore, I am commanding you. I'm done with you and your little parties and your going out with everyone in the school. Try finding your mate for once."

I said as calmly as I could. "yeah well what about you, you haven't found your mate either"

He had a point but there were many people in this town who had yet to turn sixteen. There was still a chance my mate was here, and right under my nose.

"you may go now" I said gruffly. He bowed his head and left.

Now time to go take care of those rogues that keep crossing into our territory.

"that was so close, I thought I was going to die from a heart attack." Max said grabbing her chest and breathing hard.

"yeah, close" that was all I could think to say. It just made me so mad that I felt something for Logan, an Alpha. That was the only possible reason I could have acted so... girly... ewww.

I was sitting on Max's bed contemplating another way to get into the office without anyone knowing. That's when it hit me. I have to wait til everyone is sleeping and clearly midnight wasn't long enough. I'll leave at three am. Only this time i'm going to have to wait til Max is asleep.

Me and Max watched a movie, until I could hear snoring coming from her and then I got up and sneaked down her window. It was pretty easy considering her bedroom was about a foot off the ground. I made my way into the forest and down a hill toward the mansion.

With the window open I slipped in easily. I headed toward his office as silent as a thief in the night..I opened the door and gasped. Seriously he locked the door! I jerked and twisted at the door knob. Credit card. I slid my purse down my arm and sifted through it in search of my credit card. I so needed to invest in a wallet.

I finally found my credit card and tried sliding it against the lock in the crack. I wiggled the knob but it still wouldn't turn. You have got to be kidding me. He must really have something to hide if he had to bolt the door.

"curiosity killed the cat" I turned around to see Logan, with his arms across his chest, tapping his foot. "or should I way wolf"

I rolled my eyes. Logan grabbed a key out of his pocket, pushing me aside he opened the door. "by all means look around, you do know you could have just asked and I might have let you explore my office." he said.

"now where is the fun in that?" I asked. walking into the office. It was cafeteria like. I'm certain he held many meetings in here. Nope too easy. If it wasn't in here than it was obviously somewhere in his bedroom. I opened a couple drawers and all I found were files on everyone in the pack.

"what are you hiding Mr. Alpha." I asked, leaning up against a wall, that had a picture of a black wolf. I'm guessing was his father. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to his father to make him Alpha at such a young age.

"I could ask you the same thing, yet you don't see me digging around your stuff." He glared at me. Man if looks could kill I would be a rogues bate right now.

"Okay, okay i'm leaving" I put my hands in the air.

"Veronica" Logan said I turned around, halfway out of his office. "You are the most... frustrating girl I have ever met.. Stop snooping around. I guarentee you won't like what you find. I nodded my head and left.

What was our dear old Alpha hiding. It had to be something good, something big. Something he wouldn't want other people knowing right? Did Max already know what his big secret was and she was just along for the ride?

Okay plan B try to befriend him. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer right?

I hurried and snuck back into Max's bedroom crawling into the covers. My mind was racing. Why did it seem like everyone in this town had something to hide. Something was going on here. Something more than just a small quiet werewolf town that seemed oddly too perfect.

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