Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I remember.. Oh god..

I look around the room I'm in and to seem I'm tied up... Alone. Fuck.

"Well well well look who finally woke up." He smirks.

"Rick! You are the one trying to kill William?" I ask.

He bursts out laughing. "You don't get it do you?"

I glare at him and he walks closer to me.

"I did all this to get to you." He smirks. "I knew eventually they would send William you. I mean why don't we get a fresh face out there.. Why not Agent 454."

"How did you-"

"Oh Harry.. Poor poor Harry.. Drake!" Rick calls a dirty blonde to the room.

"Do you have the whip." He smirks.

"Yes sir.. I have those and the marbles." Drake smirks at me.

Within seconds I am standing there with no shirt on and I have a whip hitting my back and marbles being thrown at my front.

I scream in pain. "Stop!" I whimper.

"Never." Rick chuckles and whips me so hard I know my back must be bleeding.

"All the marbles are done sir." Drake says.

"Go get Lucifer.." Rick says as he stops whipping me.

"Yes sir." He grins evilly. Wait... He was one of my bullies too!

Moments later in walks SSA 233.

What the fuck?!

"I TRUSTED YOU!" I growl pulling on my restraints, only to make my stinging body hurt more. I screech in pain and stop pulling.

"Oh watch it Agent 454." He shrugs me off.

"You see Harry.. My father was head man at this... Cooperation.. You know who he killed.."

"Don't you dare say it!" I feel tears stream down my cheek.

He just chuckles, "he killed Louis."

I feel myself giving up. I want to be with him again...

"Now Harry... I always knew you were a faggot... And I couldn't let you go to the grave being a virgin.. So... JUSTIN!!" we wait as a man who resembles Rick comes into the room.

"Yes brother?" He asks.

Oh brothers right.

"It's your turn. Have all the fun you please before I kill him. Lucifer stay until you know my brother is too be trusted." Rick says as he walks to the door.

"W-where are you going?" I stutter.

"I'm going to my chamber. I don't want to watch two fags fuck. I have two of my housekeepers waiting for me." He chuckles winking at me.

Lucifer stands by the door and Justin comes up to me. He removes my restraints and I fall on him weakly feeling all of the whip and marble marks sting and ache.

"You're going to enjoy this Harry." He chuckles darkly pulling me to the bed. His dirty lips attach with mine and I can taste someone else's cum.

Oh god.

I gag in his mouth and he just takes this is his chance to shove his tongue in. I feel him grind on me before ripping my clothes off. I whimper and yelp as his nails scratch down my chest. Fuck that hurts!!!!

Someone... Please help.

"Now... I think I know a way to make this sexier." Justin growls. He grabs some white material and gags my mouth before putting me on my knees facing the headboard. He ties my hands together and then to the headboard. He smacks my ass hard and I feel a tear fall.

I scream against the gag hoping for help. But with my luck... Nobody comes, instead lucifer runs out of the room after getting a call.

"Now now.... Harry... Be a good boy and I won't hurt you too bad." He smirks and bites down my neck. I yelp in pain as he continues down my back and bites one of my bum cheeks. All the pain surges through my body as tears fall quickly.

Someone.. Please help me.. Please.

I watch his clothes fall to the ground and I know what's coming. I scream as he places himself and my entrance.

No someone help!

Please of please!

"Get the fuck away from my boy!" An angry.. Yet angelic voice growls.

"Never in a million years!" He laughs and I scream in pain as his length fills me. He is removed completely from my and I let my arms fall limp along with my body.

I whimper to myself as the loud angel like voice swears up a storm continuously beating the man who almost raped me completely.

"Harry... You're okay.. I'm here now.. Nothing will ever hurt you. I won't leave you." The angelic man sits beside me and holds me close.

"Sir we are bombing the building you better hurry up." The familiar sound of my HQ leader says.

I feel my hands loosen and my gag being removed.

"C'mon babe hold on.." The man whispers putting my arms around his neck and I grasp it for dear life with my head in his chest.

His arms wrap around my body picking me up. I feel his arms working at something and then a blanket is wrapped warmly around my body.

Soon I am brought outside of the dark palace and the man holding me takes off in a sprint. Seconds later there is a massive explosion and the man barricades me on the ground from flying debris. I watch the night light up due to the massive flaming explosion.

"Harry.. I'm so sorry I left you.. I didn't have a choice.. Rick's father.. He-he was going to kill you and you just mean so much to me.. They had to fake my death so none of the officers would spend years trying to find me and.. And so none of rick's father's minions would find me.. Oh god Harry.. This is all my fault." The man rambles on.

I look up and it's like my whole life is flashing before my eyes. I feel tears form. Oh please please please.. I better not be seeing things.

"Louis?? Am I seeing things?" I mumble looking at him.

"No Harry.. I'm right here and I'm not leaving again. I love you." He says.


'You must confine all feelings. No showing happy, or sad, or excited.. And one thing in particular.. You must certainly not love.. That is a weakness.. One that can get you killed.'

"Harry.." Louis sounds hurt. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"Love is a weakness.. One that can get you killed." I mutter standing up from him.

Conceal.. Don't feel.



Harry doesn't want to feel?

Oh no!!

Noooo poor Louis didn't get an I love you back D:

Agent 454 {Sequel to School Bus Lou}Where stories live. Discover now