"I'm putting you first."

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"I heard you talking to Lauren last night," Camila tried to be flippant about it. She was putting on her shoes for the lunch they had planned.

They'd touched down in Switzerland the previous day but both had been too tired with the constant travel to really even consider exploring. And Camila was sure Lucy had thought she was sleeping when she made the call, but the second the younger girl had heard her ex-girlfriend's name...she was wide awake.

Awake with questions of what the pair talked about. If Lauren and Lucy still discussed her and so she eavesdropped a little.

She hated that she'd become that person, but with these new revelations about possible feelings for Lucy...she couldn't deny that she was curious to know what the pair would be talking about.

Would Lucy even tell Lauren if she felt something for Camila? The younger girl had no idea. Was it even still any of Lauren's business? She was sure it sort of wasn't...or maybe it was. Lucy was after all Lauren's best friend. So it mattered...it had to matter.

Camila groaned internally, hating that she'd once again let her feelings cloud her judgment. She could have avoided all of this if she'd just blatantly refused Lucy's offer to travel with her.

"Oh yeah, she was telling me how Keana's been begging for a puppy." Lucy scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Can you imagine Lauren taking care of...well anything?"

"I saw Lauren as more of a cat person." Camila frowned as she finally braved looking up at Lucy, stunned to find the older girl already looking back right at her.

"What kind of a person are you?" Lucy made her way over to the celebrity and perched herself down, that trademark smirk still perfectly in place.

"The kind that can't stay long enough to decide between a cat or a dog." The Cuban shrugged, feeling slightly dejected by the thought. Because truth was; she wanted to be able to give Lucy a firm answer.

She didn't even know if she preferred cats or dogs. She sort of just...never had the chance to know. She wasn't home enough to warrant her having a pet.

"Well I'm definitely a cat person," Lucy piped up as she noticed the sullen look crossing her friend's face. "You know how I am about pussy."

That was enough to prompt a wide smile to cross over Camila's lips and for the younger girl to release a small giggle right before she swiped her hand across her friend's arm.

"You're relentless."

"When you're in the presence of someone as beautiful as yourself, Miss. Cabello, it is very hard for me to watch my mouth." Camila hated how the glint in Lucy's eye made her heart leap.

"Stop." Camila giggled, rolling her eyes.

"Why?" And it suddenly made the younger girl a little nervous how close Lucy was leaning towards her. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" And Camila didn't even know she was leaning back until her back hit the bed behind her and Lucy's hair was blocking out most of the light in the room.

And suddenly Camila sort of forgot how to breathe because there was Lucy, her faces inches from her own and eyes saying things she knew her lips never would. Lucy was right there and Camila wanted to grab her and be familiarised with those lips again. The first time hadn't felt right...but now...now Camila couldn't think of a single thing that would be wrong about slamming their lips together in a kiss she was sure would leave her toes curling.

And Lucy was just looking down at her, almost expectantly, as if she wanted Camila to do all that.

But Lucy's voice broke them from their trance as it rang, it was the alarm she'd set to make sure they left the hotel on time to get their reservation for the restaurant.

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