"It's too much, all of it."

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Lucy shifted nervously in her seat as her eyes stayed locked on Camila sitting right across from her. The latter's eyes remained set on the menu though she was more than aware of the curious gaze currently resting on herself.

It wasn't like Camila was purposely trying to avoid conversation about what happened and it wasn't like she regretted any of it...it was just; well why did they have to talk about it? It happened, it felt amazing and Camila sort of wanted to leave it at that.

She wasn't sure about the prospect of it happening again. A huge part of Camila wanted Lucy...she really wanted Lucy, but she recalled the girl's past feelings for her and her own job and just knew that she couldn't commit to anything solid right now. And Lucy might want solid....

So as aware of the heated gaze settled on her, Camila refused to look up and kept her own eyes glued to the menu she wasn't really reading, hoping their waitress would show up at any moment to break the growing tension.

Lucy kind of felt like Camila was ignoring her and she figured she should've expected that after what they'd done. Of course Camila would regret it, Lucy was Lauren's best friend and Camila had made it no secret that she was still in love with Lauren.

Lucy should've respected that. Fuck, she should've known better.

But Camila had just been there, she'd been so there with her in those moments and Lucy, for a split second, thought she saw her feelings reciprocated in those gorgeous brown eyes.

But it was an illusion, she knew that now. It was trick of her mind in that moment of Camila's ecstasy that had Lucy wishing for things that weren't gonna happen. Lucy was just a fuck, she should've expected that from the very start of it.

"I'm having a steak." Camila finally broke the silence that fell between them. "You said you felt like calamari tonight, right? There's this dish here with a greek-style salad and-"

"Yeah, I'll have that." Lucy nodded quickly, she knew Camila was about to ramble because when she's nervous, she tends to ramble a lot.

"Oh," Camila was kind of stunned by the abruptness of how Lucy spoke. "Okay then."

"Should we-"

"I was thinking-" They both stopped once they'd figured the other was talking.

"Wine?" Lucy exhaled softly with a hopeful look in her eye.

"Yes please," Camila groaned just as their waitress finally made her way to their table.

Both placed their order briskly and awaited the wine almost impatiently. Conversation was kept to a minimum, mostly because the only thought on either of their minds was the fact that they'd had sex and didn't know how to deal with it.

The wine came not a moment too soon and Lucy pretty much jumped at the opportunity to occupy her hands as she went about pouring the glasses, topping them up unashamedly because she was well aware that they might both need a dose of the liquid courage for this dinner not to be a total disaster.

It was halfway through their second glass and just as their meals arrived that they finally managed to pick up some semblance of conversation, discussing the very next day's events. Neither of them even so much as broached the subject of sex or the fact that they'd have to share a bed as soon as they got back to the hotel room, it was like an unspoken rule; no intimacy talk.

"Tell me what you've been doing for two years." Camila took another sip from her glass then let it come to rest on the table, her palms supporting her chin as her unwavering gaze locked with Lucy's.

It was fair to say that a buzz had hit them from the alcohol and to Lucy...Camila had never looked more radiant than she did in that moment. A dopey smile plastered across her lips, the twinkling golden light of the fairy lights cascaded on the roof of the restaurant, the very same gold sparkling in her honey-like brown eyes. Camila was glowing like an angel and Lucy was allowing herself to bask in the girl's unmatched beauty.

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