Outing pt.2

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I woke up, and I find myself in a strange room. Then I remembered what happened that day. It was already dark outside. I looked over and saw Mini looking at me.

"Hello!" He said with a smile. "Want to go out?"

"Sure." I replied, sleep filling my brain. "How long did I sleep?"

"About three hours."

Three hours?! What did he do while I was asleep? I thought.

"Shall we get going?" He asked.

"I think we shall." I said. I wanted to play with him, so I sat up and pounced on him. We fell to the ground and wrestled.

"You're in a playful mood! I like it!" Mini chuckled a little.

We got up and left.

"I want to show you something!" He said as we were in the car.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a surprise!"

"Aww! Please! I want to know!"

"Not until we get there!"

I playfully punched his shoulder. "Jerk."

We laughed. A lot. So much so that the driver was getting distracted and pulled over. "Master, your highness, please stop laughing so much. I wouldn't want to get in a wreck."

"Alright." Mini looked annoyed.



"Feel free to ignore this if you want to, but.... I was thinking.... What if we called off the wedding?"

"What if we what?! We can't do that, Moira. It's impossible. We need a ruler, and you cannot be the ruler without being married. No. The wedding is still on. That's final."

"Sorry for asking...."

I don't want to get married. Not yet. I'm only 15. Wait, when is my birthday? I've lost all track of time since I've been here.

"Mo, I love you. Don't make me feel upset, please. You are the only one I've ever really loved. I need to be with you."

"Yes, sir."

"Thanks!" His serious face turned into a big smile.

We stopped. The car stopped. In the middle of nowhere. Why?

"Um, why did we stop?" I asked. I was starting to get a little scared.

"Your highness, please hold still. I mean you no harm."

Make that a lot.

The driver pulled out a syringe with a needle attached, and fluid inside.

"W-what do you think y-you're d-doing?" I was terrified.

"I'm going to help you. Just relax."

"What do you think you're doing to my love?! Don't touch her!" Mini yelled, furious at the driver.

Suddenly, I felt a prick in my skin. I was being injected with something. Something that would probably kill me.

I looked up and saw a white ceiling. A hospital? I looked to my side to see my little brother.

"Moira! Mom! She's awake!" My mom ran to my side. "Moira! We thought we'd lost you!" She hugged me tightly.

"Where am I?"

"The hospital. You fell into a coma from lack of nutrients." My mom said.

Wait, they don't feel like my family. This isn't my family. Get away from me!

"Who are you?" I asked.

To be continued...

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