Was it my fault? • Conor

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I'm sorry this is so long but I'm making a part 2 soooooon😆
Conor's POV

Where am I? I thought to myself as I sat up in bed. I looked around the unfamiliar room and took in every detail. As I slowly looked down to the space next to me in the bed, it wasn't filled by my beautiful girlfriend Braylee. It was filled by some random girl who was fast asleep.

"What the fuck....where the hell......oh shit" I mumbled to myself as I realised what I had done.

Last night I was out with the boys at got very drunk; but I expected them to bring me back home safely. Did they purposefully do this!?

"Oh shit no..no no no no" I said to myself as I quietly jumped up from the bed - trying not to wake the girl. I wasn't naked, but I had no shirt or trousers on.

"What did we do last night then?" I questioned myself as I began to put my clothes on.
I sat at the edge of the bed thinking about what to do. What if Braylee finds out? Was this the boys' fault? Did they set this up? Who is she?
Eventually I gave up thinking, as it made me more and more nervous. I decided to check my phone. It was bombarded by messages from Braylee.

Bray baby👸🏼💜
- Baby where are you? Xx

Bray baby👸🏼💜
- Conor? Are you okay, where are  you gorgeous? Xx

Bray baby👸🏼💜
- Baby are you okay?!! Where are you I'm scared😰

Bray baby👸🏼💜
- Who's with you? I can't track your phone! 😰😰

Bray baby👸🏼💜
- Conor....who are you with😒😰

Twenty missed calls from "Bray baby👸🏼💜"

"Fuck" I said as I leaned my head in my hands. What was I meant to tell her?! Oh hey baby I was just at some random girls house for the night. NO NO NO. I decided the best thing to do was leave and go home. I grabbed all of my things and walked out of the flat, whilst the girl still slept.
I immediately knew where I was as soon as I stepped out into the coldness of London. The cold breeze froze me as I managed to flag down a taxi.
I hopped in and began thinking about what I should say to her, until my thoughts were interrupted.

"So what are you doing today lad?" The taxi driver asked me curiously.

"I'm just going to see my girlfriend, I have some explaining to do" I said worriedly.

"Oh gosh, what's happened?" He asked, the one question I couldn't really answer.

I began to explain to the taxi driver everything that had happened, whilst nervously biting my nails in-between.

"Wow, well I hope everything turns out okay for you lad. We're here." He said gesturing to the flats we lived in.

"Thanks" I smiled as I paid him the money.
I jumped out of the taxi and began to walk up to the flats nervously.
Eventually I made my way up to the door. I sighed before entering our flat.

I was welcomed by the sight of Braylee curled up on the sofa. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she was nervously shaking.
Her head shot around to face me as soon as I walked in. She jumped up from the sofa and ran over to me.

Braylee's POV

Where was he? I thought to myself as I sat curled up on the sofa crying. Was he hurt? Is he okay? I continued to think whilst I slowly ate from my bowl of popcorn.
Suddenly Conor appeared in the doorway, he looked tired and generally ill.
I ran over to him and stood in front of him. I looked him up and down before looking him in the eyes.

"Where were you gorgeous? Are you okay?" I asked him. I knew something was wrong as soon as his head dropped in guilt.

"I'm so sorry baby" he whispered, whilst trying to hold back the tears I could see forming in his eyes.

"What?" I said softly as bad thoughts spun around my head.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry..." He stared before I interrupted him.

"Conor. Where. Were. You." I said more firmly.

"I don't know Bray. I woke up somewhere..."

I knew what he was trying to say. He had slept with another girl. Pain and anger rose up from within me.

"You slept with another girl" I said bluntly, whilst I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"I don't even know if I did...I was so drunk...just please Bray" He said as tears began to fall from both of our eyes. He reached out and grabbed my waist. Before I could react, he pulled me into a hug that was so tight, I couldn't escape.
I stood in the hug as I could hear Conor crying into my hair. My arms were draped down my sides and I wasn't hugging him back.

"Why" I simply said into his ear.

He continued to cry uncontrollably, I knew he was sorry for his mistake. I kissed his neck as a sign of forgiveness. He slowly pulled away. He stared at me in shock and confusion.

"I thought you'd leave" He said quietly.

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