Confessions • Conor

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This was requested by @lazything ! Love ya lots and thanks for all your requests!
Ps. Dudes thankyou sm for 50k I literally died. Xx

Conor's POV

There's a dark room which I lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. It's cold, yet I feel a warm presence pressed up against my side, yet, there's nothing.

I inhale a sharp breath and hear a loud crack, maybe thunder. Suddenly there's a loud, familiar scream and before I can even blink, the lights are on.

"Conor!" She yells and struggles around. "Help me please!"

I stare at her. Y/n. She's sat in a wooden chair, with her hands behind her back. Tears roll down her cheeks and I feel a sharp pain stab onto my gut.

" please!" She screams louder, looking at me straight in my eyes.

I stare back at her, my own eyes stinging with tears as I spot a man walking towards her at pace, the sound of his shoes on the wooden floor echoing around the room.

I go to shout something but nothing comes out. I try to move, nothing. I'm stranded, watching as this man approaches her with eagerness whilst she screams with fear.

"Conor!" She cries. "I love yo-"

There's a loud bang and her head drops violently forward, the man simply stuffing the weapon back into his jacket, and walking away again.

I cry out loudly at the sight of her and finally noise comes out. No, no no no!


My eyes slowly blink open and I'm woken up by a strange noise next door. I slowly clamber out of bed and traipse down the hallway, the sound getting louder as I approach my roommates room. It sounds like he's crying.

I slowly open the door, noticing Conor sprawled across the bedsheets. I frown at him, noticing the pillow is drenched in sweat and a few tears run down his face.

"Conor" I lightly shake his shoulder yet he doesn't wake up, instead just rolling over again in a frenzy. "Conor" I say again, a little louder as I begin to get worried.

Suddenly he gasps for air and sits up, making me jump out my skin and almost shit myself.

"Y-Y/n" He stares up at me with tears rolling down his face and flustered cheeks.

"Conor are you oka-" Before I can finish he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a tight embrace. He cries lightly into my shoulder and I hug him back.

"I won't let that happen to you" He mumbles and I frown into his shoulder. These nightmares are getting out of control.

"It's just a nightmare" I reassure him with a smile and rest my hand on his hot cheek. "It's okay"

"He killed you" He whispers and I spot more tears forming in his eyes. I quickly wipe away some that manage to fall and look into his bloodshot eyes.

"I'm fine" I whisper back and he sighs heavily, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry" He sniffs, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

"Hey, don't be sorry" I smile. "It's okay"

He smiles weakly and lifts his head to face me rather than the floor, his cheeks rosy. I must gaze into his eyes for so long I don't realise our faces coming closer, a sudden jolt of electricity running through me as our lips connect for the first time.

After a few moments they part again, our eyes interlocked with one another's and butterflies filling my stomach.

"Y/n" He whispers.

"I love you Conor" I confess, my cheeks burning red but I ignore it. He looks a little shocked at first and I feel as though I've made a huge mistake. Oh fuck, he doesn't feel the same-

"I love you too" He says and quickly connects his lips back to mine.

I'm taken aback and kiss him hard in return. It feels so good to finally get that off my chest. I've been in love with my best friend for almost two years now and have always been too scared to tell him.


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