No Pressure.

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Moans start coming my left. I whip my head, and find a couple having a make out session. I scrunch up my nose and walk away from there, disgusted. I should've never accepted Taylor's invitation. I don't know anyone around here.

I find an empty corner with a beanbag and plop down. Pulling out my phone and my headphones, I scroll through iTunes.

Nothing interesting was there. But then, my attention is caught by a particular song.

It was named, "No Pressure" by Justin and his close friend, Big Sean. I looked left and right, but there was no one near me.

I mean, one song won't hurt, right? And it's not like I'll talk to him after hearing the song. And Taylor isn't even looking. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even knew where I was.

I hesitate to play the song.

Screw it.

I press play and wait. I hear the sound of a guitar. It had just started, but I felt it very relaxing. I bring my knees to my chest and close my eyes, enjoying the pleasant music, and drifting away from reality. Suddenly, his angelic voice fills my ears. I could listen to it all day and never get tired of it.

The way he sang the lyrics, the high notes he hit perfectly, the pain in his voice... it was all so mesmerising. Big Sean's rap was good too, but my mind revolved around the lyrics which Justin sang.

You ain't gotta make your mind up

You ain't gotta make your mind up right now

Don't rush, no pressure.

I played the song again. And again. And again and again and again.

What else could I do? I loved the song.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing me by the shoulder, scaring the shit out of me. I rest my headphones on my neck.

"What the-" I turned around, seeing an overexcited Taylor.

"Heeeeyyyy." She said, laughing and swaying side to side.

"Oh God, Tay. How much did you drink?" I asked, sighing as she giggled some more.

"I don't knowwww. Whhhyy does it maaattter?"

I got up and walked away from her. Taylor was sometimes difficult to handle, but a drunken Taylor? Bitch, please. As if my life isn't screwed up enough.

Oh wait, it already is.

I walk upstairs, past the locked rooms and find the balcony. My hands grip the railings and I let me hair down from its pony tail. The wind flows through them, and I finally feel relaxed. I close my eyes and just listen to the sounds.

"It's suffocating in there, isn't it?"

I jumped for the second time today. He laughed at my reaction; making me roll my eyes both nonetheless I give him a small smile.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Wait. How come you're here? I'm mean; Taylor and you aren't on the best terms..."

"Long story." He replied, walking towards me and leaving enough space between us.


He simply grinned and looked ahead.

"I was listening to your song." I suddenly blurt out, face palming myself mentally.

He raises his eyebrows. "Really? Which one?"

"The one with Big Sea-"

"You mean 'As Long As You Love Me'?"

"No, th-"


Again, I shook my head. Damn. How many times did he collaborate with Big Sean?

"So obviously it's 'No Pressure'."

I tell him yes.

"Oh." Was his reply.

"It's really good." I compliment.

"Yeah, thanks."

Silence. The awkward kind. The kind that makes you wanna run away from there.

"Taylor," Justin started. I looked at him. "She told Gigi to invite any of her friends. And one of them happened to be me. So, surprise." He said with sarcasm.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

After few more minutes of silence, he speaks up again. "Look, I actually didn't even want to come. I mean, seriously, why would you expect me to come to Swift's party? I just thought that if I would come, there would be a chance that you'd be there too." He explained, looking at his hands.

I almost fangirled at his cuteness.

"Well, I'm here now." I reply, elbowing him lightly.

He relaxed from his stiff posture and smiled at me.

"So, this means we're still friends, right?" He asks.


"So can I get a hug?"

I hesitated, but seeing him opening his arms I couldn't resist. After all, it was only a hug. Not like he was asking me to be his girlfriend or anything.

I come closer and hug him. It wasn't a short, sweet one. It was one of those hugs that make you want to melt into the person's arms and never let go.

"God, I missed this." He said, burying his face in my hair.

"Me too." I reply, sighing contently.

After few minutes, we part and look at the view that seemed to stretch on forever.

And for that very moment, everything was alright. Guess we can never let go of each other, but we can always be there for each other, lovers or not.


If you still didn't get it, No Pressure is my jam.

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