It Ain't You.

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I enter the small restaurant, which was empty, thanks to me. I wanted this to be special, so I rented out the restaurant one one night, just her and I. I had a bouquet of yellow roses in my hand.

I walked over to the table in the middle of the room, which was elegantly set up in favor of my request. I sit on one of the beautifully designed chairs, and wait for her to come.

After fifteen minutes, I start to grow a little anxious. The waitress comes to check, but I just tell him that she's probably on her way.

"She must be stuck in traffic." I say. The waitress nods and walks away.

Half an hour passes, but they was no sight of her. I try calling her, but it went straight to voicemail. I called again, but still no luck.

Forty five minutes later, I was in a complete state of panic. The waitress tries to calm me down. No luck.

An hour later, I was beyond furious. She fucking stood me up. Just as I was ready to leave, I hear the voice of a female and the clicking of heels against wood. She was taking on the phone, not bothering to look for me. I walk towards her, clenching my fists at my sides.

"Where the hell where you?" I hiss.

She glared at me and pointed towards the phone. I snatched it from her and ended the call. She gasped and took the phone from my hands, seeing what I'd done.

"How dare you!" She yelled. 

"Oh yeah, how dare I! Do you even know how long I was waiting? Did you even plan to come?!" I yelled back.

"I was busy."

"That's the dumbest excuse I've heard."

She scoffed and brushed pat me, walking towards the table, where I had placed the yellow roses. She looks at the roses and then back at me. I expected her to say something, But she just sits down and pulls out her phone, calling the person I made her hang up on. I shook my head in disbelief and walk towards her, sitting on the chair across hers. The waitress comes again, asking if we were ready to order.

"I'm ready to order but I don't know about her." I say, glaring at Selena, who simply seemed to be engaged in the call. I clench my jaw, but later smile at the waitress and ask her to come back after a few minutes.

I watch the waitress walk away and sit on a random chair. Selena was still talking on the phone. I sigh, and stand up, walking towards the waitress, who was too busy looking outside to notice me sitting across her.

"Hi." I say, startling her.

"Hi." She replies, grinning widely. I wouldn't blame her, though. 

"I don't want to interfere in your personal matters, but you seem a with this thing." She says, looking over to Selena, who was still talking.

"Yeah. It's just that, I've planned this from a long time. And right now, nothing is going right." I sigh and rub at my eyes.

"She seems kinda...busy."

I scoff and reply, "Yeah. Too busy to even notice how much fucking effort I put into this."

"I can, if you don't mind, in the mean time, keep you company. No pun intended."

At this I laugh, and moments later she joins me.

"So, what's your name?"

"Aria. And yours?" She asks, giggling.

"Justin Bieber, singer. Might have heard of me." At this she starts giggling uncontrollably, making me smile.

"So, Aria, tell me something about yourself." I ask.

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