I Wish

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"So, Justin..." Ellen began. And Justin knew what was coming. Of course, this was Ellen. His smile faltered a little. It was too small for anyone to see, though.

"Have you talked to Selena?"

The atmosphere became thick. Suddenly, the room was too small. Suffocating, even.

He took a deep breathe. Play it cool, he said to himself.

"No." he said weakly. He mentally face palmed himself on how pathetic he sounded.

"No, actually." He repeated, louder and more clear.

"So, you are in no contact with her at all?"

"No. I'm just, happy for her, y'know? I care about her and all, but no, we aren't in contact, but I'll be there if she needs me." The audience 'awwed'. Justin almost smiled at them, but failed, because he felt it almost impossible to be able to smile at such a thing.

He felt a little more confident after letting it out. It was the truth, after all.

"That's so sweet of you. Okay, now..." Justin sighed out of relief mentally, grateful for the change of topic.

The truth was, Justin missed her, a lot. He still had her number. Although many tabloids claimed that Selena changed her number so that he wouldn't be able to call her, she didn't change her number. Her number was just there on his contacts list, and it was the one thing she left behind for him.

He did try; he tried calling her. But on the first ring, he would snatch the phone away from his ear and end the call. He thought it was just a waste of time. Why would she want to talk to him anyways? And what would they even talk about? She had Abel. He made her the happiest woman on earth. And that's what Justin wanted Selena to be. Happy.

It hurt.

It hurt him not being able to talk to her, to see her, to hear her. It hurt him to see a picture of her and Abel, kissing, hugging, cuddling or just being with each other, giving each other the occasional smiles and sneaking in pecks.

He wanted to be happy for her, he really did. He forced himself to accept the fact that she was happy with him and he had to move on. But, boy, it was the hardest thing ever.

Sometimes he tried texting her. He wrote paragraphs to her, some sweet three or four worded sentences. But he would later freak out and delete the entire thing.

So, instead, he wrote them down. He noted them on his phone, where no one could see them. Whenever he felt like taking to her, he would write down his feelings in his phone's Notes app. It in a way, helped him.

After the interview, he went straight home. 

He needed to move on. It would just hurt him more if he didn't. He was done. He and Selena were done. They were never meant to be. It. Was. Over.

He made himself dinner, and quietly ate it. Alcohol, he decided, would not help. Sure, it would help for the night, but the next day would only result in a headache and the truth would still be there, slapping him on the face. 

He was used to the isolation. It helped him feel normal. In here, he could do as he wished, with no one to see or boss him around.

"You're so drama free, Esther. I wish I was like you." He said to the dog, who simply cuddled to his side. Justin smiled and stroked the top of her head.

"I wish..." He trailed off. Esther looked at him with her big dog eyes, not understanding what he was saying. He closed his eyes, letting the silence stretch for a little while before he completed his sentence.

"I wish I never met her..." 


That's right. This was a sad one shot. I felt like this needed to be done. After all, this is life. Ain't nobody got time for fairy tales.

And guys. Thank you so, so much for 1k reads. It means so much to me. You guys are the best. I was so happy to see it, I kept showing to to my brother lol

Thank you all, again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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