Chapter 12

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*At the club*

Aria gets up from the table(In the VIP section), goes to the bathroom while AJ and Bri are on the dance floor dancing with some of their friends.When Aria walks out of the bathroom and someone grabs her arm.Aria looks up to see Wade standing there.

Aria:Let go of me Wade.
Wade:No Aria you're my girlfriend.
Aria:No I'm not.
Wade:(Gets in her face.)Yes you are.

Aria knows he has been drinking. 

Aria:You are drunk Wade and for the fucking last time I'm not your fucking girlfriend.Why don't you just go fuck your new bitch Nikki.

Wade slaps Aria,so hard she falls on her ass.Aria has her hand on her left cheek.

????:What the hell?

When Wade turns around and sees Big Show standing there.Wade looks back at Aria.Then Show helps Aria up.

Wade:I'm sorry that I bumped into you.
Wade:This isn't over.
Show:Yes it is Wade and don't you ever touch Aria again or you'll have to deal with me.
Wade:She's my girlfriend and I'll touch her if I want too.
Aria:I'm not you're fucking girlfriend anymore Wade and I can't wait for my brother gets his hands on you.

Aria is so pissed that she kicks Wade in the balls and laughs.

Show:I'll walk you to your table.

Show holds his arm out for her and she hooks her arm in his.When Randy see's Aria walking with Show he knows something is wrong by the look on her face.As Aria and Show is walking Aria sees Dean,Roman,and her brother Colby (Seth) sitting at the table with Bri.Bri notice's Aria walking with Show towards them and that something is wrong.When they walk up and before Aria sits down.

Show:You sure you're ok.

Aria nods her head yes.

Show:If he messes with you again let me know and he'll get my KO.
Aria:(She giggles.)Sure.Thanks.
Show:Anytime sweetie.

Since Show is way taller than her,he bends down some,and Aria kissed his cheek.Then Show walks off.Aria sits down and Bri looks at her see's that Aria's cheek is red a little.Dean,Seth,and Roman looks at Aria and notice's she looks pissed.Then Nikki and Brie walks up.

Brie:Seth why are you sitting over here?
Nikki:Yeah Dean why are you with these(someone walked up) Whore's.
????:If I where you Nikki I would leave.

Nikki turns to see Randy standing there.Randy walks over to stand beside Aria.

Aria:(She stands up and is face to face with Nikki.)Why don't you go ask my ex-boyfriend Wade that you are fucking and ask him what I didn't to him.
Nikki:I'm not messing with Wade,because I like someone.
Bri:Dean doesn't like you Nikki.
Aria:By the way Nikki I have proof of you and Wade where together.
Aria:Do I have to show you?
Brie:You don't have anything on my sister.
Aria:Oh really Brie.
Nikki:You're a real bitch Aria.
Aria:Oh I know I'm and this is one bitch you don't want to mess with.
Nikki:Why don't you and you're two little bitch friends Bri and AJ......(She was cut off by Aria throwing her drink in her face and slaps her.)

Nikki huffs and walks off with Brie right behind her.AJ walks up and sits down.

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