Chapter 44

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Aria walks in her house and hears talking.Aria walks in the living room to see AJ,Bri,Kelly,Seth,Dean,and Roman sitting around.Aria sits her box on the table and goes to the kitchen.When Aria comes back with a vase (with water in it),she sits the vase on the table, opens the box,puts the flower in the vase,and sits down between Seth and Dean.

Bri:That's from him isn't it?
Bri:What he say this time?

Aria lets Bri read the card to everyone.

Bri:We have to figure out a way for you two be face to face,so you can find out what he has to tell you.
AJ:We so do.
Aria:No you don't.

They all look at her.

Kelly:Don't you want to met him face to face?
Aria:Sure.Stephanie and Triple H are having a Masquerade Party.
Aria:When we go to Vegas.
Bri:Is that why you had to go see them?
Aria:No something else.
Aria:Can't say.

Then her phone rings,looks at the caller ID,and sees that it's Wade.She smirks and answer's it.

Aria's Phone Conv:(She smiles and smirks the whole time.)

Aria:What do you want Wade?
Wade:Why didn't you text me back?
Aria:Because I was busy.
Wade:You better not have been with Dean or Roman.
Aria:1.You're not my boyfriend anymore Wade.2.I can be with whoever I want to be with.3.I'm telling my brother everything.
Wade:If you tell him anything I'll beat your ass.
Aria:Oh,really Wade you're going to beat my ass.
Aria:Well there are some that already knows everything and you're very lucky that I want let them beat your ass.
Wade:I'm not scared of them.
Aria:Like I care if you're scared or not.You know when I tell Seth he will tell his two best friends and I so hate it for you.One more thing I so can't wait to see you tomorrow night at Raw.

Aria hangs up.

End of Aria's Phone Conv.

They are all looking at her.

B/AJ/K/S/D/R:Did you just hang up on him?
Aria:Yep.So what were yall talking about when I got here?
Bri:What to get to eat?
AJ:And who is going to get the food.
Aria:Seth can't go.
Seth:And why not?
Aria:(Looks at him.)Because I need to talk to you.
Seth:Oh ok.
Bri:Aria do you need for me to be with you when you talk to Seth?
Seth:So who's going to get the food?

They all look at each other.

Bri:I'm staying here in case Aria needs me and Seth does too.
Dean:I'm staying here too.
Roman:Ok.AJ,Kelly,and I will go.
AJ:Aria what do you want?
Aria:You know what I like.

Roman,AJ,and Kelly leaves.

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