Chapter 1

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As everyone is getting ready for Monday Night Raw show they have no idea what is about to go down tonight.As Dean and Roman are walking to Triple H's office to meet up with Seth and Bri about what their match is for tonight.

Roman:Dean what would you do if we where walking around the arena and we bumped into the diva that you have been looking for since we got here?
Dean:I don't know and her name is Nicole.
Roman:Ok her name is Nichole.
Dean:What if she has a boyfriend?
Roman:Maybe she doesn't and you two can maybe friends.
Dean:That would be good.
Roman:Is Nikki Bella still trying to get you to go out with her?
Dean:Yes,but I only want her to leave me alone.
Roman:You know that I heard that Nikki is so scared that the other  diva's that is not here is coming back.
Dean:No I haven't heard that.Do you know why?

Then they hear someone call Dean's name and when they turn around Nikki is walking up to them.

Nikki:Hey guys.
Nikki:Have either or you seen my sister anywhere?
Roman:If we do see her do you want us to tell her anything for you.
Nikki:Tell her that I want my Diva's Championship Belt back.
Dean:Why would she have it?
Nikki:Because Brie loves to hide my things from me.
Roman:I'm sorry to cut this short,but we need to get to Triple H's office.

Before Dean turns around to walk off Nikki kisses him on the cheek and she walks off.Roman laughs.Dean hits Roman on the arm.

Dean:So not funny.

Dean walks off a little ahead of Roman and when Dean turns the corner and bumps into someone the person fall on their ass.

Dean:I sorry.(But he keeps walking and doesn't help them up.)

Roman walked around the corner right when it happened.

????:That was rude.
Roman:I sorry about him.

When the person looks up and see's a guy with black clothes,long black hair,and a sleeve tattoo on his right arm standing there with his hand out to help her up.She grabs his hand and he helps her up.

Roman:You're very welcome.
????:(She looks at him.)Are you Samoan?
Roman:Yes I am.

She giggles.

Roman:How did you know that?
????:The tattoo on your arm.
Roman:Oh. I'm Roman Reigns.
????:OMG..You're one of The Shield member's.
????:So that means the rude one that bumped into me is also a member too.
Roman:(He laughs.)Yes that was Dean Ambrose.
????:I sorry I have to go.

She walks off.Roman turns to walk to Triple H's office.

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