Chapter 56

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Seth:Let's go to my truck to wait for Dean and Roman.

Aria nods her head and Seth helps her up.Seth notice's the bruise on both arms when Dean's jacket falls to the floor.

Seth:(Picks up the jacket.)Put this on.
Aria:Why and who's jacket?
Seth:Because both your arms have a bruise on them and it's Dean's jacket.
Aria:(Looks at both arms.)Ok.(Smiles and puts the jacket on.)
Seth:I know you don't want to talk about what happened right now.I'm here for you now and your friends are too.
Aria:I know.

Aria grabs her phone and they walk out of her locker room.As they are walking and Aria sees Wade talking to Nikki near the exit.Aria grabs Seth's arm and looks down.Seth and Aria walks outside and goes to Seth's truck.Seth lets the tailgate down and they sit on it.

Aria:Why does this always happen to me Seth?
Aria:Everytime I'm doing good Wade has to mess it up.
Seth:Mess what up Aria?
Aria:Well when I make new friends like Dean and Roman Wade tries to get in the way.
Seth:Dean and Roman want let that happen.
Aria:How about my secret admirer?
Seth:What about him?
Aria:Well earlier tonight in my locker he was there.
Seth:Is he the one who hurt you?
Aria:No Seth.He kissed me.
Aria:I kissed him back and he told me that he is in love with me.
Seth:Wow.How do you feel about him?
Aria:I think I'm falling for him,but what am I going to do if he doesn't feel the same way when he finds out what Wade has done to me?
Seth:What Wade did to you in the past it wasn't your fault.If he loves you he will not let that get in the way.
Aria:But Wade raped me tonight.

Aria starts crying and Seth hugs (sitting on tailgate of truck)Aria.

Seth:It's ok sis just cry all you want too.

Dean walks up to sees Seth hugging Aria.Seth notice's that Aria has stopped crying.

Dean:Bri and AJ are riding with Randy.
Dean:Seth she's asleep.
Seth:Ok.Please help me with her?

Dean picks up Aria and Seth opens the door for Dean.Dean puts her in the back and shuts the door.Roman walks up with the bags.

Seth:I need to talk to you two.
Seth:I found out what happened to Aria.
Seth:Before I tell yall.From now on one of us will be with her at all times when we are in other towns.
Seth:I'm not worried about some of the things she told me,but the one thing Wade will never rape my sister again.

Dean turns to walk off,but Roman grabs his arm.

Dean:Roman let go of me.
Roman:No,because if you go bet Wade ass you might get fired.
Seth:Dean he's right.
Dean:I don't care.
Seth:You care about Aria and if you get fired you can't help us protected her.

Roman lets go of his arm and Dean goes to get in the back seat of the truck with Aria.Dean has to move her head and lays her head in his lap.Seth and Roman gets in the front.Dean moves Aria's hair out of her face and he notice's a  tear falls down Aria's face and he wipes it.Seth drives off.

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