Chapter 94

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The next morning is Christmas day. Holly and AJ are in the kitchen getting things ready when Aria was into the kitchen.


Holly and AJ turns to look at Aria (still in her pj's) and see is pale.Then Roman walks in right when Aria is about to fall,but he catches her.Aria looks to see Roman and smiles.

Aria:(With a low voice.)Roman take me to the living room.

Roman picks Aria up and takes her to the living room.When Roman walks in the living room Dean and Bri looks up at him and sees that he is carrying Aria.

Aria:Put me on the couch.

Roman sits Aria down on the couch very easy.Roman sits down.Holly and AJ walks into the living room.

Holly:Aria how are you feeling?

Holly,Bri,AJ,Dean,and Roman looks at her.

Holly:We all know that you're not great.
Bri:Aria you are very pale.
AJ:Did you sleep last nigh?
Roman:We all care about you.
Dean:Please tell us want wrong?
Aria(Gets up.)I wish everyone would stop asking me so many questions and leave me the hell alone.

Aria walks out of the living room and goes to her bedroom.Aria opens the door to her bedroom when Seth and her dad walks in the front door.Then Seth and Jack hear a door slam upstairs.They walk in the living room.

Jack:What is going on?

Holly tells Jack and Seth what just happened.Jack and Seth sits down.

Jack:Well Holly you know this time of year is hard on Aria.
Holly:I know.
Seth:Yeah mom and with what she is happening with her now is a lot.
Holly:I know.
Seth:I told Bri about Lily.
AJ:I know about her too.

Seth,Holly,and Jack looks at her.

AJ:Aria told me about her.

Then there's a knock at the door.Jack goes to answer the door.They are talking when Jack clears his throat.When they all look to see her and her (Peeking from behind the other one's leg.)Seth gets up and walks over to hugs her.

Seth:(Looks at her.)Is it really you Lily?
Lily:Yes it's me.
Seth:(Looks at her.)Yes mom.

Holly looks at everyone.

Seth:Oh sorry.Lily this is my friends (points to each of them)Dean,Roman,and my girlfriend Bri.
Lily:And this is Willow my daughter.
Holly:Yall have a seat.

Lily sits down and Willow sits on her lap.Willow looks around at everyone and smiles.

Seth:How have you been Lily?
Seth:So it's been awhile since I've seen you.
Seth:So what bring you to here?
Lily:Well Aria called me a week ago.
Holly:She did?
Lily:Yes and I know something was wrong.
Willow:We came to see her.(She giggles.)
Holly:How did you know she is here.
Lily:I saw Emily today and she told me that Aria was here.
Holly:Oh.She is in her room.
Jack:I think it would do her good to see you.
Willow:Can I go with you?
Lily:Sure.I know she would love to see you.

They gets up and walks out of the living room.

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