Arguing and Bittersweet kisses (11th Doctor)

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You and The Doctor are at the console. You were leaning on the steel bars.

Whilst the Doctor was touching many buttons and gently talking to the TARDIS.

Whilst you and The Doctor were running and was hiding in a cave, you slipped on a piece of slime and fell on the Doctor lip-locked. The Doctor looked at you in the eye whilst you stared back at him.

Basically, an awkward silence was between you two so you decided to break the ice.

'Ummm, Doctor' you said looking straight at him.

'Hmmm?' He replied looking at you.

'Doctor, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..well to fall on you and...' you said in a rushed and hurried voice.

'It wasn' t your might be..but it could also be the slime'

The Doctor said. 'So don't worry about it.'

'Okay, wait..what? Might be my fault? You could have stood up and left!

And it's not my fault that the slime was there!' You angrily shouted back.

Well this started a massive argument between you and him with items being thrown (by you) and endless amount of ducking and running (The Doctor). But then TARDIS started shaking quite vividly and knocked you and The Doctor onto the floor.

The Doctor quickly stood up and went up to the door and opened it.

You following his actions whilst shooting the Doctor with inappropriate language under your breath.

Until you saw the beauty outside...

It was snowing with small flecks of snow falling onto the heavily covered snow ground. There were pine trees everywhere, flocks of bluejays flew above you and the Doctor as the taste of the woodland flew heavily around you.

Small chirps and gentle humming from the wildlife echoed in the magnificent woodlands as your eyes took in the sight. But at the horizon was a small rural village that seemed like it was masked with warmth and friendliness.

You and The Doctor looked at each other, his eyes showing confusion and another expression you couldn't figure out.

'Doctor, where are we?' You asked, stepping outside of the TARDIS.

'We're at Canada..1678.' He replied.

'I don't know why we're here though' He said, looking around the area.

'Well, it looks pretty beautiful here so why not have some fun while we're here and it wouldn't hurt..right?'

You said, throwing a snowball at The Doctor's face.

Needless to say, this turned into a massive snowball fight with you and The Doctor becoming absolutely drenched with water and snowflakes. You stared at the pale blue sky, starting dance softly to the music of the woodland.

Your hair and eyelashes slowly being covered by the snow as it fell around you.

The Doctor looked at you, softly smiling and started dancing in tune with you.

As the snow drifted onto you and The Doctor, he went up to you, his fingertips gently caressing your face. You were startled but then you saw the love in the Doctor's eyes.

As he kissed you softly in the falling snow, you couldn't help but think


You responded back with all the forgiveness, love and desire in that one kiss.

At least one of your dreams came true and it was the best one yet.

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