Nothing will never be the same again..Part II (11th Doctor)

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Still dedicated to @bowtiesandstars..because she's amazing and if you haven't checked out her just have to! Thanks for the comment, girl and sorry to make you guys wait so enjoy! :)

(Warning: There will be a lot of feels and pairing afterwards..;)

'Alice..?' As the bell still rang in the background, she didn't notice herself standing up, her knees weakening from her teacher's eyes looking at hers, widening in surprise. Every student began packing up as Mr. Smith dismissed the class with a flick of his wrist.

Girls began leaving her dirty looks that could kill, it would have buried her seven feet underground.

Alice was frightened, horrified even. She didn't know what to do or why he wanted her to stay with him. Her incredibly hot teacher.

'Why..? I didn't do anything! Heck..! I tried to be a normal student! It didn't help that his looks kept making me distracted!' She stood frozen, her knees nearly weakening from standing up too long.

Her eyes looked around the room, trying to avoid Mr.Smith's eyes staring at her as students left the room in a huddle.

Only the teacher and student remained.

Her first instinct was 'Run..'

Her legs slowly moving and her body turning away from the incoming danger or at least the 'incoming' talk.

Her hands pushing the chair behind her and her legs walking the first steps..her eyes not seeing where she was going. Alice quickly walked in front of her, not noticing the teacher looking alarmed as she crashed into him, making them both fall down right next to his desk.

A loud thud echoed in the room, student and teacher on top on of each other almost like an embrace. No one was there anyone only the two clueless people as time became still.

Alice's eyes closed quickly as she tried to ignore the harsh pain fading away as she became aware of the sense of warmth on top of her body. Someone's arms on top of hers constructing her movement. Someone's legs tangled with hers.

It didn't feel was somehow giving her tingles like molten fire sparking her body alive like she brushed the tip of a volcano.

It was wrong. Forbidden. And she was liking it?!

She wanted to know this feeling, it felt new. Alive.

Indescribable and she wanted more of it.

Alice opened her eyes to see another eyes looking back at her. His eyes stared back, his hazel eyes holding a flicker of unknown emotion. She couldn't look away.

Their eyes locked onto each other like the lock of a safe. Unmoving. Unlocking.

Until Alice became aware of their bodies, his fingertips gently touching her arms, his legs: one on top of hers binding them onto the floor.

Both student and teacher stood up at the same time, only to fall onto each other again in a closer position than before.

Alice's face was engulfed into his chest as his arms wrapped around her back giving her again that indescribable feeling. Her nose smelling his scent of a deeply masculine scent of something unknown like the smell of stars in the never-ending space.

It filled her nose entirely, she wanted more of the wonderful scent. Her body humming in pleasure as she tried to smell it again.

His hands on her waist, making her mentally shiver. His body, creating friction with hers as he moved gently trying not to hurt her.

'This is getting too much..' Alice thought.

She looked up at him seeing him holding another type of emotion.

Then he quickly stood up leaving Alice on the floor.

The indescribable feeling disappeared instantly. Replaced by some unnerving feeling emerging inside of her. But the warmth of his body remained.

Mr. Smith walked to his desk leaning on it softly. He looked at Alice and let out a soft cough.

'I'm sorry, Sir. I became frightened and wanted to get out..I forgot you were there..' Alice stood up, her eyes on the floor feeling guilty of what just happened.

'Alice. It's okay. I think we shouldn't talk about what happened just can't. And the reason I told you to stay after class..' His deep voice pounding in the empty classroom.

When she heard those words, she felt distraught somehow. She didn't know why and the feeling was tearing her inside, she wanted it to stop. She knew why they couldn't talk about it, he didn't want to lose his job and she was okay with that. So why did she feel so broken inside?

She forced her body to calm down and her eyes to look at him. '...Because you forgot about to get the homework..You didn't hear me tell the class about the homework and I was wondering why you weren't paying attention.' His authority laced in his voice as he looked at Alice's eyes wondering why.

Once again their eyes became locked but Alice wanted to get out of there. Away from him. For good. She broke the gaze as she muttered an excuse and went to her desk, packing her bag. She felt his eyes burning into her back, asking silent questions as it made her body shiver once again.

'Why am I acting like this? It was an accident. Stop it. At least you apologised because that situation that happened between you and's over. Forget about it.' Alice's thoughts told her but her heart was saying something else entirely.

It thudded deeply and quickly like she had been running a long distance but why..? Why was it feeling this way..?

She turned around, bag in tow as she made her away to the desk where her teacher lay still leaning at the desk and still looking at her.

Her cheeks began heating up as her teacher looked at her almost the way of someone intrigued. She took a few steps closer to him and quickly muttered a goodbye before...

He suddenly stood up making their bodies again go closer. It was like a chemical reaction, fizzing and bubbling as the teacher took a step at his student, his eyes never leaving hers.

Alice felt her body moving towards his and her eyes also never leaving his. Their bodies close and no space between them.

The teacher's hands began gently caressing her face as Alice felt her hands going to his neck, she felt the feeling of molten lava brushing her, making her shiver as their faces began getting closer...and closer until their lips brushed each other's.

Alice felt a wave of heat and the feeling of burning fire became hotter until..

The bell's scream stopped them both, the teacher removing his hands away from her face and stepping away from Alice. Alice stood still, the feeling of being broken came back, she looked at him, feeling her eyes starting to water.

She muttered an apology and turned around to the door where she quickly ran to get out there. She didn't want to face him. After all that happened. I will only make it worse.

'Wait! Before you name's Matt..' His hand clamping on hers preventing her to leave as he whispered these words in his velvet voice in her ear. She stopped herself from trembling from his voice as she nodded and left the room into the hallway.

Her heart thudding like a big bass drum as she tried to calm her body about what happened. Students came out of dark blue doors filling the hallway with screams and voices as she turned around one last time to see Mr. Smith giving her a wink as he went back into the room..

Her thoughts and his thinking one thing...'I'll be seeing him/her again. I'll sure of it.'

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