Mr. Freeze

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Patricia's POV
I was just walking though the aly( hallway) where I was attacked by the joker
I was crying and I didn't know what I was even going to do or where I was even going I was just running while crying my eyes out, when suddenly I turned around and I saw the joker standing there, " Hello Batgirl"
                    End of flashback
I felt tears falling down my cheeks, all the nightmares I had all the awful things I saw I started to remember, then I heard voices coming towards me and I wiped the tears I had on my cheeks and listened to the voices and I recognized a deep voice, I immediately knew it was batman he was giving them orders as usual, I heard that he said Mr.Freeze another guys I hated when I didn't do what the joker told me to do or I didn't listen to him or obey him or he was busy he would get other villains I knocked out a few times or stayed in arkham because of me they beat me up or just hang me up and stated hitting me with a stick or a bat and one of those people that did those thing to me would be Mr.Freeze i told him to please stop i was even be on my knees, I think he would hit me harder though.
Then I heard Zatanna say that it was cold which was weird to me I wasn't even close to being cold kind of thinking of it I never knew what being cold was like, the other thing that was weird and strange was that batman didn't glare at her for complaining. They left the roof that they were on so I followed them I knew that they were going to lead me to Mr.Freeze.
Batman's POV
I don't think we can go any further if we do we'll freeze to death.
Patricia's POV
Nightwing was trying to protect Zatanna from the cold by hugging her I just rolled my eyes at them. Then Mr.Freeze came out his hiding place with his goons/bodyguards behind him  he was going to the major's house to kidnap him the team followed him but I took a short cut to the major's house I got there before Freeze did. Freeze broke into his house well bedroom where he was sleeping.  " Don't you think it's rude and embarrassing to break into someone house to try and kidnap them, I mean like seriously dude I guess you really really like getting beat up or getting arrested"
I knew that the goons where going to try and knock me out so I turned around and knocked out the goons/bodyguards then the police came in and arrested freeze while the cops and the commissioner were doing their own things I felt like someone was starring at me deeply and I turned around and I saw batman and the new dynamic duo
"Zatanna aka batgirl and Dick aka Nightwing" glare at but weirdly enough nightwing wasn't glaring at me I think he was smiling at me though....

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