*A month later*
Uruha's P.O.V
I sit up and look around. Aoi's bed was made and he was gone. I look at my clock. "Son of a bitch!" I scream and jump out of bed. I get dressed and fix my hair. I grab my books and exit the dorm. I locked it and quickly went down the stairs, tripping on the last step. I struggle to fix the few papers that flew out of the books.
"You idiot. There's no class today." I heard Aoi's voice. I looked up at him. "When did you dye your hair?" I ask and he rolls his eyes. "That doesn't matter." He hands me a book and starts heading to the dorm. I sigh and gather my books. I slowly make my way to the dorm room. I stop at the top of the stairs. Aoi is with a brunette I haven't really met. It's Kazuki.
I feel my heart shatter. Aoi smiles at the brunette lovingly and they go to the second exit. I walk inside the dorm and just drop my books. I lay on my bed, facing the wall and hugging my pillow.
I awoke to something pawing at my nose. I open my eyes and come face to face with blue eyes. Where did this siamese cat come from? I let it sniff my hand. It licks my hand a few times then bites my hand. I try to pull away but she sank her claws into my hand and continued biting.
"She likes you." I look at Aoi's side of the room. He is siting there smiling. "Ow." I yelped, pulling my now bleeding hand away from the cat. Aoi sighs and stands, going to the bathroom. He comes back with a small row of bandages. "Give my your hand." He orders, grabbing my arm. He slowly wraps the bandage around the bleeding cat bites.
He puts the bandages on my nightstand and he sits beside me, petting the cat. I really want to hug him, to kiss him. I sigh and hold my head in my hands. Aoi picks up the cat and sits her on the ground. He sits on his bed.
"I was cleaning and I found this." He said holding up the needle from last night. "Where did you get that?"
"Don't play dumb Uruha. Either your on drugs or your boyfriend is." Aoi said angrily. "I don't have a boyfriend. You seriously think I would love someone again after what you did!?" I shouted and stood. I walked to the door and tried to leave but Aoi grab my arm and made me face him. I pushed him away and he slammed me against the wall.
"Drugs are bad. You shouldn't do them." He says quietly and let's me go. I pushed past him and grabbed my duffle bag. I storm out of the dorm, slamming the door.
I get to the black building with pink letters. I enter and my boss meets me at the door. "Uruha. That man that hurt you is here again." He says and I noticed the man talking with a few others. "You don't have to work if you don't want to." My boss said kindly and I shook my head. "I really don't want to go home right now." I say and he nods. He walks away.
I go to the employees room and get ready. I sigh and walk outside to my stage.
"Uruha?" I stop my dance when I hear a voice. I look ahead and see Aoi. I stop everything and stare at him. "Hey bitch." A man says and next thing I know a busted beer bottle is thrown at me. I held my arm as it began to bleed.
I run to the employees room and hide in the bathroom. I sat on a bench and tried to examine the wound on my right arm. The door opened and i looked up, seeing Aoi.
"Just go away." I say but he sits next to me. "Why are you doing this? Giving yourself up for these....animals?" He asked and I shook my head. He sighed and stood. "Get dressed. Your coming back with me." He says and leaves.
When I come back in my normal clothing I see him with that brunette and some other guy. Aoi sees me and leaves the two. So Aoi is single too? "Where is the owner's office?" Aoi asked and I lead him there. When we entered my boss got up and came to my side.
"Are you hurt?" He asked and I shook my head. "Damn right he's hurt. One of those animals threw a broken beer bottle at him." Aoi cut in and I gave him a 'shut the fuck up' look. I pulled off my jacket sleeve, revealing the wound that still had glass in it.
"I'm so sorry Uruha. I knew I should have made you go home." My boss said and I sighed. "It doesn't matter because this asshole may not let my out after finding me here." I replied and my boss eyed Aoi up and down curiously.
"Boyfriend?" My boss asked and Aoi busted out laughing. I feel my heart shatter once again. I slap Aoi as hard as I can and leave the room. As I'm walking to exit a man grabs my arm. It's that man. The one who hurt my those two months ago.
"Hey baby." The man said and smiled at me. "Hey fucker." I heard Aoi's voice. The man turned to face him and Aoi punched him. Aoi grabs my hand and pulls me out of the building. I stare at our hands.
When we get to the dorms, Aoi throws me on my bed and pins me down. "Aoi stop." I say, trying to push him off. Aoi crawls ontop of me and begins sucking on my neck. I looked to the side. "Aoi that cat is watching." I say and Aoi pulls back, looking at the cat.
"Go on somewhere." Aoi said and the cat jumped on my bed. She climbed ontop on me and laid on my stomach. "Now a cat is going to rape me. Great." I say sarcastically and Aoi stands from the bed. "Sorry." Aoi says and goes to the bathroom.
When he comes back he has a first aide kit. "We need to get the glass out." He says and I sit up, the cat falling into my lap. "No." I say and Aoi rolls his eyes. He sits the kit on my bed and he put the cat on the floor.
"Uruha. Don't make this difficult." He said. "No." I reply and he sighs. He pulls the sleeve off my arm. He pins me to the bed, resting his knee against my chest. He grabs my arm and opens the kit.
He pulls the small peices of glass out and bandages my arm. He let's me up and goes to the bathroom. I sit against the wall and the cat jumps into my bed, curling up and laying in my lap.
Aoi comes back and lays on his bed. "Goodnight whore." He says. I put the cat on the floor, grabbed some boxers and a shirt, a pillow, and a blanket. I leave the dorm, slamming the door. I walk down the hall to Ruki and Reita's room. I knock on the door and Ruki answers.
"Can I sleep here tonight? Aoi is being an asshole." I respond. I see Reita on the other room, naked. I sighed and went back to my own dorm. Great now I really do have to stay with Aoi.
I try to go into the dorm but the door is locked. "Dammit Aoi. Open the door." I say, banging on the door.
"Sorry. I'm an asshole. Remember?" He says angrily. "Well your acting like one." I say and the door opens.
"Just like you were a whore?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the doorframe.
"Ok so we are going back to this? How many times do I need to say it. I. Am. Sorry. I. Was. Forced." I say and he rolls his eyes. I push past him and go to my bed. If he doesn't believe me, then I don't care.
Aoi's P.O.V
I watched as Uruha put his things away and goes to the bathroom. I walk outside and pull out a cigarette and light it. I just need to calm down. He is right, I am an asshole.
"Hey Aoi." I hear Byou's voice. I turn and see him coming from his dorm. "Where's Kazuki?" I asked and he shrugs. "I made him mad. He locked himself in the bathroom and won't come out." He replies.
"You should stop smoking." He says. "My life, my choice." I say and take a drag from it.
He rolls his eyes. "Why are you out here?" He asked and I breath out the smoke. "Uru is pissed. I think he hates me." I say and Byou shakes his head.
"Confess. Better to be wrong about your intentions than to continue wondering." He says and smiles. "I'm never the one to confess first." I reply and Byou shakes his head.
"Whatever. Unless you go after him, your going to end up alone." He says and walks back to his dorm. He then swears numerous times. "Kazuki? Why you lock me out! Open the door." He banged on the door and it slowly opened. I smiled, should have brought out his key like me.
Author's Note
Well idk if this is short or long. But here it is. Comment, vote, tell me what you think please.

Lonely Life
FanfictionAoi and Uruha got in a fight and broke apart at the end of their senior year. Now 2 years later, Uruha still cries himself to sleep over his broken heart. But can he get Aoi to take him back after 2 years?