1. 4:35 am

131 13 3

The sky lacks any hint of the sun,
Instead, all I see overhead is this vast expanse of purple,
Melting into a gentle indigo,
Melting into a calmer tomorrow.
I smile as I understand why the future suddenly seems so certain,
For you pierced through my life's darkest curtains,
With your love, my brightest light,
Promising to make everything alright.
You're like my sun,
For not only do you shine bright everyday,
But even after dusk,
You don't let me dwell on distrust.
You continue to give me hope, you continue to give me light,
As the moon does nothing, but reflect you at night.
You didn't forget moonless nights either.
For you would show me stars, When we would sit together
So I close my eyes and travel with the wayward wind,
Knowing that no matter how far I go,
I'll end up safe in your arms, tomorrow.

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