Chapter 11

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

The smirk hasn't left my face since that kiss. I was earning some weird stares but I honestly didn't care.

I had finally made a move. My smile grew wider and wider the more I thought of Althea. 

"Sir? Sir, can you move up please? Your holding up the line." A voice broke into my thoughts, causing my smile to shift slightly but it wasnt even close to gone.

I moved up in the line placing my items on the moving belt thingy and pulling out my wallet. I felt the eyes of the cashier scan my body but I didn't return the glance.

"Here you go hotstuff." The cashier winked, her dark blue eyes subconciously being compared to Althea's ocean colored orbs. The blue seemed dull by comparison.

"Thanks-um- Maddy." I replied, glancing at her name tag, flashing a small smile before grabbing my stuff and walking away. Leaving Maddy frowning in my wake.




I removed my phone from my pocket seeing Althea's name pop up on my screen.

I answered immediatly, her sweet voice filling my ears immediatly.

"When are you coming back?! I'm starving!" She whined. "Plus, We kinda need to talk about that thing that happened earlier."

"Your with Sam and Dean aren't you?" I questioned, her wording and tone making the assumption clear.

"Yes, now get yo ass back here now!" She demanded.

"Okay, I-"

I was stopped mid-sentence by a stinging burst of pain to the back of my head, and then everything went black.

*Althea's P.O.V.*

"Niall? Niall!" I screeched. The only sounds coming from the receiver was some shuffling and groaning before the line went dead.

"Whats the matter?" Harry's low voice asked from beside me.

My panicked eyes traveled to meet his curious emrald green ones.

"Al, whats wrong?" He continued, wrry soon showing through his features as my breathing shallowed.

"N-Niall. He's in trouble." I spluttered. My mind throwing itself into over drive. What had happened? How could I save him? Is it my fault? What can I do?

Questions flew in and out, not one of them being answered.

"Althea, what kind of trouble?" Harry continued to try to get my attention but all I could think of was that kiss. That kiss that led to this.

"I-I dont know. But we were talking and then he stopped the phone dropped and there was some shuffling before theline went dead." I responded finally making my mind focus on one thing.

Finding him.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

The pain in the back still felt fresh, the blood still trickling ever so slowly down the back of my neck. I was unable to wipe the tickling feeling away do to my hands being tied above my head.

My vision was a bit blurry but I could feel the other presence. He mystery being hid among the shadows. Who ever it was it definatley wasnt my rescuer. No this person definatley wasnt friendly and they appearently had something against me.

"Oh, your awake." A slightly familiar voice echoed from the shadows.

"Wo are you?" I questioned, my voice sounding suprisingly calm.  had expected fear, anger or any other emotion to show through but my tone was level and nearly emotionless.

"Me? I'm just your biggest fear."


(Authors Note)

I am so sorry I havent updated in forever! I have been non-stop dance team and school. Haven't had all that much time to write or read for that matter. I just got a new bok and I've barely started! Anyway thank you for sticking through the rough patch! The dance season is ending soon so I'll definatley be updating more! Thank you, love ya!




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