Chapter 13

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*Nialls P.O.V.*

I woke in a small dark room. The air reaked of blood and mold. My head pounded and the side of my neck stung like an open wound  was being introduced to the air.

Fresh blood still trickled from the slash ob the back of my head. 

I tried to move my hand to examine the damge of the wound but was stopped by a rough object that bound my wrists together.

Whoever had kidnapped me must like the classic torture techniques. Chair set in a small room where the victim sat tied my thick lengths of rope.

Just as my mind began to focus and my eyes adjusted to the darkness, footsteps echoed from the hall. Two shadows blocked the light coming from underneath the door.

The door knob turn painfully slow as I waited to see the face of my attacker.

The door slowly creaked open, the nose of a gun poking in followed by a  small familiar frame. The face was covered by shadows, making the figure unidentifiable.

"Niall?" A soft voice sighed in relief. Her voice sent chills down my spine and I knew instantly who it was.

"Althea. What are you doing here?" I questioned, my momentary happiness being replaced by fear, not for me but for her. The kidnapper could be back any second and I havr no idea what he/she will do when they do.

"I brought you some pie. I thought you might be hungry, gettin' kidbappdd and all." She replied sarcastically het feet carrying her small body to the emptiness in front of my chair.

She leaned down, meeting her lips to mine in an eager kiss. I kissed her back, getting lost in the moment almost forgetting where we were.

The kiss ended to quickly as she started to cut me free, starting with my feet and moving to my hands.

The ropes fell to the floor leaving a burning sensation from whrre they scratched at my skin.

I tried to stand but failed instantly falling right back into the wooden chair, the pain in my head increasing so much the corners of my vision tinted red.

Althea was there to catch me and ease my fall as much as she could. Althea was strong, especially for her size but she wasn't tall enough to help me walk.

We were stuck.

*Althea's P.O.V.*

My heart picked up in speed, fear prickling through my body when Niall fell. I wouldn't be able to help him walk. I 'm far to short. I could thinl of only one thing that would help me in this situation and they were going to be so pissed.

Yet I removed my phone from my back pocket, letting Niall settle back into the chair before typing with suprising speed .

Found him. Locked in a room, kidnapper could be here any minute. Help! 4397 Coburg rd. ~A

I got a response almost instantly and no suprise Dean was pissed.

You are so grounded. Be right there.

I let out an exasperated sigh, my hand running absentmindedly through my hair. A habit I picked up randomly.

Fear still pricked at the back of my mind but I've trained myself to ignore the fear so that I can be useful in bad situations, like this one.

I looked down at Niall,  who was now resting his head on his left hand, opening the right side of his neck to reveal a bite mark?

Realization hit me like a train, I knew exactly what we were dealing with and it sure as hell wasn't going to be pretty.

(Authors Notes)

I bet you all know what they're dealing with, the bite mark on the neck and all(: Anyway thank you for reading and sorry for not updating I started reading the Divergent series and I havrnt been able to put it down.  Thanks for your patience!



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