Chapter One-

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Inuyasha watched in astonishment as the same girl from two days ago danced on top of the flowing river’s water, merrily singing a song. Kagome continued to jump in excitement beside him. Kaede had instructed her not to bother the dancing girl.

Inuyasha still couldn’t believe the old bat had allowed her to stay.

“Why is she here?” He snapped, glaring towards the old frail woman as she sat in front of a small fire and cooked something in a metal pot.

Kagome turned to Inuyasha, grinning happily.

“She’s my cousin! She’ll be coming with us, I hope!”

Inuyasha grumbled something and climbed onto a higher rock, hoping to see the dancing girl better.

She danced weirdly, in a strangely beautiful way that was new to his eyes. Every time she lifted her arms he could see bandages wrapped around her forearms, reaching to the top of her arm. He wondered how he could’ve missed that before, sitting back cross-legged as he watched her twirl.

Another weird thing he noticed about her; when her bare feet touched the water’s surface, no ripple was created.

Inuyasha sniffed the air, basking in the wonderful scents around him as he waited for the new girls scent to reach him. She smelled of lemons, floral scents often being common for humans, mixed with a unique smell Inuyasha couldn’t quite name. Inuyasha growled. His nose told him one thing yet his eyes told him another. Just by watching her dance, he was almost certain she was a demon, moving in a way so graceful it could only be demon. Yet when he breathed in her scent, he detected no demon scent on her.

He jumped almost as high as the girl did when Kagome called out her name.


I squeaked, the thin barrier between my feet and the water disappearing, and fell into the water. A large roughly calloused hand wrapped around my arm, pulling me up and out of the water. 

“Oh my god, is she breathing?”

A burst of red and silver filled my vision, momentarily blinding me. I coughed up some water. The red and silver disappeared and I found myself sitting in front of the fire Kaede had been cooking at with a red cloak wrapped around my shivering body. Small snowflakes landed on the bridge of my nose making me sneeze.

“Kimi? Are you okay?”

I sneezed again and started to shiver, looking up to find my cousin staring down at me in worry. I grinned up at her.

“Kagome!!” I started to raise my arms but a cold burst of wind stopped me.

She smiled down at me and laughed.

“We should probably get you inside. At least before you catch a cold.”

“But I don’t wanna move! Too cold.” I snuggled deeper into red cloth, finding it very warm.

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