Chapter Eight:

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Chapter Eight:

We all walked in a somewhat silent bubble. The only person talking was Shippo, whom was actually just singing to himself because the rest of us were so caught up in thought that we wouldn’t answer if he tried to talk to us.

I pondered what Kaede had unfolded on me, so many moons ago.

When Kaede first said that Inuyasha might have a slight interest in me, I laughed. Impossible. He was just friendly and for the most part he treated me like anyone else.

But now… Let’s just say that I’ve noticed…several signs…

I sighed softly to myself. Do I like him back? Now that’s the big question.

If I’m being honest with myself, and I mean truly honest-as in I’ve sworn in and agreed to speak nothing but the truth-honest, then yes, I like him A LOT. But I am stubborn, and not willing to admit that truth yet. Not even to myself.

Now you understand why we all screamed and practically peed our pants when two figures emerged from the forest trees, one warrior looking one prepared to attack.

“Are you Inuyasha?” She was glaring at Inuyasha, her hand on a boomerang as she waited for his answer. She looked pretty beat up. I felt sorry for her.

“Who’s asking?” Inuyasha snapped, as friendly as usual.

“Be nice!” I growled at him, flicking him on the head as I shoved past him. I smiled slightly at the confused female.

“Hi, I’m Kimi. What’s your name?”

“Do not listen to her, Sango, she is the enchantress I warned you about.” The male wore a baboon fur which covered his face. Inuyasha snarled. “Naraku!”

“I’m going to take that as a complement, Mr. ‘Naraku’.” My eyes narrowed in his direction.

“I have no qualms with the enchantress. I will not harm her. But Inuyasha, prepare to die.” Her words had a grave tone in them. I frowned slightly, hearing great sadness in her voice. 

“You will have to defeat the enchantress to get to Inuyasha, Sango, for she is his mate.”

“Excuse me now? I am not Inuyasha’s mate. I am his friend. FRIEND. Spell it with me now, F-R-I-E-N-D.” I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest in the process.

Sango simply stared at me, seemingly debating.

“Do not believe her, dear Sango, remember what she can do.”

“What? What can I do?” I asked, looking at the monkey confused.

“Don’t listen to her lies.”

I glared at him. “I’m not the one who’s fucking lying here, dude, I’m trying to figure out what all I can ‘do’. If you cared to enlighten me, please do.”

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