Chapter Eighteen:

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Chapter Eighteen:

“So how are we going to beat Naraku?”

I struggled to make small talk, both my feet aching. I swear we’ve been walking forever and a half and for someone who doesn’t like walking…lets just say I wasn’t a very happy camper at the moment.

“Well do you know how to use all the elements?”

“I don’t know…I’ve never really tried.”

Kagura smiled, a knowing smile, and nodded. “Naraku said you didn’t know everything your powers.”

“Is that all he said?” I snarled darkly. It was his fault my feet hurt.

“For the most part. He did complain about the ‘attention’ you give Inuyasha once.”

I almost threw up. Lili laughed and nudged me. “Look’s like you got yourself another follower!” I glared at her and then turned back to Kagura.

“What all do you know about my powers that I don’t?”

Kagura didn’t speak for a moment.

“Well, what all do you know that you can do?”

I gave her a half shrug. “I know I can manipulate earth and water to do anything I want.”

Kagura nodded. “That’s half.”

“What do you mean?”

She smiled a little. “I was listening to you explaining to the others why you can control more then one element. And you were right. With the amount of nature demons dying so quickly during the extinction period, the major elements adapted so more demons could control more elements. You, if needed, can control any element that comes to mind.”

I gave her a weird look. “So what you’re saying is that if I wanted to could make a…lightning bolt strike like right over there.”

As if on cue, there was a large blinding flash of light and loud booming noise that attempted to shatter your eardrums. I scowled and covered my ears. Kagura grinned.

“If you needed to, you can draw on all the elements. They are apart of you.”

“Wait…how does that help us stop Naraku?” Lili stared at us.

Kagura sighed. “She’s going to need all the elements to be able to even stand her ground against Naraku.”

We were all quiet.

“So does that mean the others are…” I trailed off, unable to find a way to finish. Kagura shook her head.

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