Chapter Three:

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Chapter Three:

I woke up to a horrible throb in the back of my head. I sighed and sat up, clenching my jaw shut to keep from crying out as I searched for my backpack. Kagome and Shippo were still fast asleep and Inuyasha was no where to be found.

Something landed in my lap with a thud.

I looked down and saw my backpack.

“What’s these?” Inuyasha held up a small yellow container. My prescription bottle. I held out and open palm, which he set the medicine into, and pulled out a small container of water. I popped the cap and downed two pills. Inuyasha watched me patiently as I waited for the pain to recede.

“They’re pain medicine.”

“They’re not like Kagome’s pain medicine.”

I started to chew on my bottom lip, thinking of any excuses that would satisfy him. He shook his head. “Kimi, why do you take these?”

I sighed. “A couple months ago…I got into a really bad car crash. And, well, my head got busted up. I have to take those for the pain.” I hugged my knees to my chest.

“Does Kagome know about this?”

“She knows I was in the crash but she doesn’t know how bad…”

“Why not?”

“She was here…when I came back to Japan. I didn’t tell my grandpa or aunt about the headaches until I got here and we had to fill the prescriptions.”

Inuyasha watched me silently as I put everything away. “Do you plan to tell her?”

I looked up at him. “I don’t know.” I whispered.

“Why did you come back to Japan?”

I bit my lip and looked away, blinking tears back. “My parents…they were the only family I had in America. And well…the officers never found their bodies.”

“You mean…”

“They died in the crash.” I took a deep breath and laid back down, watching Inuyasha as he shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m sorry, Kimi. I know what it’s like to loose your parents…” I looked to Inuyasha. He sighed and stood up, holding out a hand to help me up. I heard Kagome yawn and knew she was waking up. I stood, with the aid of Inuyasha, and gathered my things. Kagome was up within seconds.

“Wow, you’re up early!” She smiled to me as she sat up. She always had been the cheery morning person. I smiled back, shouldering my backpack as I waited for her to get ready so we could leave.

We started our walk. I hung to the back, not necessarily in the mood to talk, while Kagome and Shippo continued to talk. Inuyasha led the group.

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